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Multi Coupon support enabled: Now allow customers to avail multiple discounts

The multi-coupon support will now enable your app users to get multiple discounts while shopping on your mobile app.

Earlier, your app users could only enter and apply one coupon code on the cart screen to get a single discount. Multi coupon support will enable your customers to redeem more than one coupon on a single purchase.

Here are some of the finer points you should know about the update:

  • Your customers will be able to enter multiple coupon codes on the cart screen.
  • Multiple discounts will be applied based on the coupons your customers decide to redeem.
  • You can manage the coupons directly from your WooCommerce website.

Multi coupon support is available on both Android and iOS apps with code version 1.5.0 or higher. Check out our release notes to learn more.


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