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WooCommerce Guest Checkout Feature Added

In our pledge to offering the best app building solution to the new age businesses, however big or small, we are making new developments each day.

AppMySite has not just made it easier for businesses to turn WordPress to app with the code-free and affordable solution, but is also assisting them in their journey, through multiple channels and resources.

To make every app user’s experience more rewarding, we have come with a special gift this time! It is for the businesses willing to build mobile apps for their WooCommerce websites.

The WooCommerce Guest Checkout feature is here, and we can’t keep calm about it. It is set to add a new milestone in our app building services and make your experience more fulfilling.

So, what is the fuss all about? Read the article further and find out for yourself! Let us begin:

In this blog

  1. What is the WooCommerce Guest Checkout Feature
  2. The benefits of enabling guest checkout in apps

What is the WooCommerce Guest Checkout Feature

AppMySite is here with yet another fascinating update. The app builder now enables our subscribers to add the Guest Checkout feature in their WooCommerce apps and make the shopping experience more dynamic for their consumers.

The eCommerce website owners can easily sign up for our code-free DIY app builder and create their apps for free. You can also customize and preview the apps parallelly, and check the complete app-build on a device and operating system of your choice.

Enable the WooCommerce Guest Checkout feature as you create your app and manage the app content. This will allow your app users to explore the app and make purchases without actually registering or signing up for the app.

It opens a window of multiple opportunities and makes the apps you build, more worthy and likeable. You can open your AppMySite dashboard and check out this feature right away!

The benefits of enabling guest checkout in apps

The Guest Checkout feature takes the functioning of your WooCommerce app, several notches up. Notably, it has the following benefits in general:

#1: Increased consumer responses

As consumers are not compelled to share their private data and information, that is otherwise required to sign up, they feel free to explore the app without being concerned about their privacy.

It opens the doors of your app for even those customers who are skeptical about sharing their personal information with the app, or even just too lazy to go through the detailed sign up process.

#2: Easier first time purchases

Apps often bombard first time users with an array of requests, queries, permissions, and more. It often requires users to go through more than four to five steps to completely go through the process before completely checking out.

This makes the purchase process complex and new users might need time to get a hang of the app. Adding the Guest Checkout feature to the WooCommerce app, expedites the buyers’ journey and makes it less complex.

#3: More sales and conversions

As there is no concern about data or privacy invasion and the checkout process becomes quicker, the sales and conversions also increase. In fact, the feature makes it easier to turn visitors into buyers.

New visitors find it easier to shop with an app as a guest. You can always ask them to register in future, once they are comfortable with the app. Sign up can always be made mandatory later, for redeeming coupons and availing discounts.

Still not sure? We are happy to assist you!

Leverage resources for assistance

If you are still in a fix about this new updated feature in our app builder, or any other feature for that matter, you do not really need to worry.

We have multiple resources that are capable of assisting you, as you build the most perfect apps for your eCommerce business.

Just click on the links suggested below and go through our resources. Harness as much information as you want and gift the best app to your consumers:

Wrapping up!

That was all about today! Stay tuned to this space to keep learning about our new launches and updates. Leverage the information to add more value to your journey with us and grow your business.

Sign up for AppMySite if you are not a subscriber yet, and create app online without coding. Enter the app market with a bang and make your business future-ready!


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