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Get a chic Home Décor app to captivate your customers

Building and designing homes requires art and affection. If you own an online store that sells home décor products or assists people in redesigning their dwelling place, you are contributing to the beauty of their surroundings as a whole.

As the quality of living is enhancing worldwide, more and more people are looking for wholesome solutions to decorate their nest. Whether you sell artefacts, furniture, lamp shades, figurines or even gardening articles, you are making someone’s home a prettier place, and your unique business is surely meant to go a long way.

However, for any business to flourish, it is important for the owners to evolve and adapt to the changes around them. For instance, the rapid change in technology and the explosion of mobile phones is bound to affect the home designing industry as well.

It is high time that you make use of the resources at your disposal and evolve from eCommerce to mCommerce. You must make your own app for your home décor store and tap into the mobile market. However, before you proceed, read further and get a detailed insight of the most fruitful approach and techniques for absolute success.

Relevance of mCommerce in Home Décor business 

Home Décor store is a unique fusion of art and business and you can cater to a wide range of people by offering a plethora of options. You can sell your products to interior decorators, art directors and even to people who want to rejuvenate their house or just wish to gift something ornamental to their acquaintances. However, it is necessary to move ahead with the right approach to attain maximum success.

If you talk about the relevance of app technology, it is proven to widen the scope of any business. While a website helps in marking your online presence, mobile apps promote multifaceted growth.

The number of ways in which apps can benefit the home décor industry have been listed & discussed below:

1. Offer convenience to consumers:

Elegant apps with user-friendly layout tempt people to buy more. The constantly increasing number of mobile users and apps on the app stores testifies the fact that the future belongs to apps. Having an app with viable features will make your customers feel valued as they will have more options to connect with you.

The revenue and traffic share of mobile phones is constantly increasing as apps are more convenient to use. Offer this luxury to your users and give them an outlet like experience as they shop remotely at their own convenience.

2. Get 360-degree exposure globally:

Be it information, eCommerce, games, entertainment or utilities, apps have taken a lead over websites in every domain in recent years. Studies state that people scroll, shop and spend more on apps and the numbers will continue to grow in the coming years. Apps have become a paramount necessity as the access of web services is increasing through mobile phones.

It is high time that you ensure your presence in the league as people are downloading and using multiple apps on a daily basis. Complementing your website with an app will help you in getting roundabout exposure and also drive sales.

3. Tap into the millennial market:

Millennials are currently the treasure source for every business as they are largest consumers of most of the products today. Brands are harnessing this potential and tapping into the millennial market to endorse their products amongst them. It is noteworthy that the numbers depicting the year-wise mobile based consumption of web by millennials are on a constant growth trajectory.

It is important to lay emphasis on this age group as they drive sales and spend the most. You can stimulate their impulsive buying decisions with your creativity. Lay special emphasis on this age group and curate special product ensemble, offers, discounts and more, specifically for them.

4. Ensure maximum conversions:

Apps ensure better conversion and retention rates than websites. Unlike websites, people don’t just buy and forget you never to return back again. Identify the importance of this factor and harness it to the fullest. Offer a frictionless app experience to your users and focus on implementing revenue-based marketing techniques.

Design a compelling app icon and aid your app with screenshots, video tours, and more to hook your readers as they scroll for home décor apps on various app stores. Integrating a strong call to action can increase conversions in ways you cannot even think of. Befriend technology and learn from your competitors and see what is working well from them. Innovate your own strategies accordingly.

5. Enhance brand value & recognition:

Apps add more value-based identity to businesses and enhance brand recognition. An app once installed in the users’ phone keeps reminding them of your brand and products. The app icon becomes a permanent signature of your brand. If your app is in complete sync with your website, it also boosts brand recall value. Hence, focus on the visual symbols and tonality of the app and enhance it.

Also track the scope of your brand and the activity patterns of your existing consumers. It will help you in finding out the peak points of your app that your customers best relate with. Find this USP (Unique Selling Proposition) that makes you stand out among your competitors and market it well.

Ensure premium features that promote growth

Home décor business varies from other industries in a number of ways. Therefore, in order to stand out amidst your competitors, you must have a different approach as you build your app.

Few points & features that you must keep in mind are:

1. Display the elegance with design & layout

Your app is an image of your brand. Ensure that you design it well and integrate premium features. Design alluring app icon that compels people to open the app. Shoppers who hunt for products on websites make their buying decisions based on product pictures.

Hence, focus on making your app aesthetically appealing with ample product photos combined with product descriptions, product variations, reviews and ratings, and more. Also take care of the screenshots and videos endorsed on the app stores and social media platforms.

2. Ensure smart interface & layered navigation

Your app should be likeable and fully functional on all devices. The interface should be user friendly and offer great experience. Make the navigation easy and smooth. Keep the overall theme coherent as you design the landing pages, category tiles, app screens, menu bar, and more.

The app should be in complete sync with your website and the information should get populated automatically. An offline access feature can further increase its potential.

3. Help customers meet their shopping goals

Your app should be brainy enough to guide your customers and help them meet their shopping goals. In order to achieve this, you must ensure that the sorting, filtering and searching tools of your app are intuitive. It will not only elevate the experience of your customers but also help you to track their purchase activity that will eventually aid in up selling and cross selling.

You can also add little catalogues, booklets, video tours, designing samples, product videos, and more to give them a much realistic experience of your products before buying them.

4. Communicate better with friendly tools

Focus on enhancing the communication with your customers as it is the key to success for any business in today’s world. Offering personalized attention by the use of various communication tools can work wonders in enhancing your business-consumer relationship. A little hello once in a while can boost your brand recall-value, unlock new buyers, retain existing customers and bring back lost ones.

For instance, you can use push notifications to interact with them. Send them deals, offers, interior designing tips, Vaastu tips, décor tips, anniversary wishes and discounts, trend updates, & more. You can also partner with celebrities and take help of influencer marketing to build social proof.

5. Ease with intuitive cart & seamless checkout

Shopping on your app should be a breeze for your users. The cart should be really dynamic and capable enough to hold countless products. Make the check-out process smooth by allowing customers to change delivery address, retrieve parked orders, apply promo codes, make changes in the cart, avail discounts, view taxes and invoice, and more, as they checkout.

Customers should also be allowed to choose from a variety of payment gateways and multiple options like debit card, credit card, mobile wallet, cash on delivery, and more. The end-to-end shopping experience should tempt people to buy more and motivate them to keep returning back.

mCommerce in Home Décor business

Build an app and market it well

Step 1: Build your app

App building is not a mind-numbing task anymore. You can ditch the traditional methods where you need to hire experts, technicians, designers, spend extravagantly and yet wait for long to get your app. Create it with an app maker online in an affordable budget and lesser time.

You can simply log into AppMySite and easily create your app in a few steps. Just enter your credentials, design the customized layout of your app and provide basic information to submit it to the relevant app stores (Google Play Store &/or Apple App Store). That’s it!

Step 2: Enhance with Addons

You can make your app more viable and dynamic in a number of ways. For instance, there are DIY app maker tools like AppMySite that come with many additional features, other than necessary app functions. These features can be important from both functionalities, or marketing point of view.

The addons can vary to a range of utilities like free Payment Gateway Integration, Social Media Integration, Push Notifications dashboard, etc. It can extend to White labelling for brand exclusivity, App Store Optimization assistance for better ranking, Multilingual App for wider coverage, Content Marketing support for enhanced visibility, and more.

Step 3: Publish & Publicize

Once you have built your full-fledged app, go ahead and publish it on the app stores. By the time it gets live, you can get back to prepping up for your marketing & launch strategy. It is great if you have built a hype around your app before its launch but don’t just stop there. Make efforts of getting better ranking & visibility on app stores.

Draft a smart plan to earn a good number of initial downloads. Continue to promote your app using various marketing techniques like Social Media Marketing, Media Promotions, Media Advertisements, Content Marketing, E-mail Marketing, SMS Marketing, Push Notifications, Install Ad Campaigns, Influencer Marketing, and more.

Skyrocket your business now!

There are more than five billion mobile phone owners in the world and this number is only expected to increase in the coming years. It is not just online fashion, clothing or convenience stores that are doing well online. It is for this many reason many such businesses are building their presence online. Clothing store app development​, for example, is a viable option given the rise of online clothing shopping among consumers.

Selling, buying and renting home décor items on apps is also gaining popularity and even small businesses are doing wonders. Though the competition is increasing, there is ample scope of success for your store as well. All you need, is to implement the tips listed above and fuse the ideas with your very own creativity.

Stretch your marketing goals and achieve them with an efficient app. Put up your own mobile store with home décor products and combine it with a robust marketing strategy. Penetrate into the mobile market and mark your own territory.

Spread more happiness and elegance with your exotic range of products and help people beautify their homes in a smarter way. Contact AppMySite WooCommerce mobile app builder and create an app that steers you to success. Get going folks! May the force of technology be with you!


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