The proliferation of mobile technology is changing many things around us. Besides opening new windows of growth and expansion for businesses, it is also helping in individual growth of people.
The rise of mobile apps has led to a monumental change in terms of communication and dialogue. People can now interact globally and share their ideas and thoughts on a variety of issues like women empowerment, environment welfare, human rights, and more.
It has broadened the dimensions of communication around many issues concerning the collective welfare of the mankind. One such important issue is ‘mental health’.
It is quite refreshing that the stigma around this topic is diluting and people are openly discussing about it. Interestingly, technology is playing a significant role in facilitating the dialogue and is proving to be a soothing aid for people across the globe.
The emergence of mental health tracker apps, mental health journal apps, mental health monitoring apps, and more, has spiked the discussion further. Health experts, patients and the masses in general, are talking about it on websites, social media platforms, and even in blogs.
If you already run it, or are planning to launch one such blogging platform or an app for mental health in future, accept our applause. You can play an instrumental role in changing many lives for the better. As they say, awareness is the first step towards treatment and you can create that temperament.
However, to ensure maximum reach, you will need to convert your website to an app first. This can be easily done using the free online app maker tool by AppMySite.
But, before you do that, let us first explore the various important factors in detail. Read further and discover, how you can harness this potential to the fullest.
Rise of the app-based blogging industry
It is not only the eCommerce websites that are entering the mobile market. Many news and content-based websites are also turning to apps for total success. Health awareness apps are a prominent example of this evolving scenario.
It is a fact that people prefer mobility and want to save time by getting easy and convenient access to desired content. People escalated quickly from books to websites and are now quickly moving to mobile applications to suffice their appetite for information and entertainment.
The popularity of the reading apps and devices like Kindle, are a strong testimony to this anyway evident fact. Experts around the world are confirming to the statement that mobile apps are the future of reading.
There are ample examples to support this statement too. For instance, data shows that the app for ‘The Huffington Post’ gets ten time more content views than the website users. Similarly, BuzzFeed app users view 22 to 25 times more content than a regular app user.
Hence, if you want to reach more people and be a real game changer, you must adapt yourself to the global technological changes. Complementing your website with an app will do you no harm, but only bring in benefits.
Mental health apps: The boon & blessing
Mobile technology is revolutionizing health and welfare services and bringing it to our palm tops. This change is specially affecting the mental healthcare scenario. You can contribute to it and do more than just compiling articles for your readers.
You can actually help people in improving their mental health if you proceed with an informed approach, clear goals and strong strategy. You should also greatly emphasize on the benefits the app can bring in for your targeted readers.
You can ensure the following advantages for the people in need and cause substantial change:
a. Immediate help
Apps can allow immediate access to a number of aids and services. Besides giving regular updates and information, you can also create a virtual helpdesk for people seeking immediate advice, assistance or consultation.
b. Authentic Information
Misinformation is a huge problem for people seeking help for mental health issues. You can help them to tackle it by offering regular or personalized content that is verified. Share authentic information and attribute it to the relevant and reliable sources.
c. Anonymity
Despite a lot of societal progress, the stigma around health issues still concerns people. In this case, your app can become a boon for people who are hesitant to visit doctors. You should also address anonymous requests or assure people of identity secrecy and encryption.
d. Affordability
Unfortunately, the consultation and treatment charges for mental health issues is quite high and often hard to find. Hence, you can let your app become a source of primitive aid without burning a hole in the pocket of your patients.
Factors that deserve absolute attention
It is evident that mental health is a sensitive issue and must be addressed cautiously. There are a wide number of factors that one must consider before committing to dealing with it in anyway. You must have a rigid plan before you set afoot on your journey to change.
You can go through the list and ensure it for best results:
Finding your aim and motive:
You must have a defined purpose to stand out among others and your app must reflect it. It will help your potential readers in identifying with you and trusting you.
Determine your aim and stick to it as you design your app and curate your content.
When it comes to mental health awareness, you can choose to address a variety of issues like:
- Suicide prevention
- Teenage bullying
- Stress-management
- Anxiety & depression
- Eating disorders
- Personality disorders
- Psychotic disorders & phobias
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Ensuring credibility & sensitivity:
You don’t have to be medical expert but you must ensure transparency and credibility. Address things with a progressive, see-through and sensitive approach.
Do not try to penetrate in areas you do not have any expertise in and about.
Broadening the scope of the app:
Do not cram the brain of your readers by just being a ‘book of information’. Get creative and set the mood of your audience by engaging with them in a fun way.
Gamify content, share meditation & healing tips & mental health e-books, send notifications with motivational quotes, and use creativity to make your mark and earn their trust.
Being aware of the risks & nuances:
Always remember that you are dealing with a sensitive issue and a vulnerable lot of people. Be very careful in your choice of words and sanitize your content against any mistakes.
Be open and explicit about the warnings and risks involved in any of your content or offerings. Do not endorse something you cannot accomplish.
Apps can empower and leverage your mission
An apps success depends entirely upon its quality and performance. Go beyond just being a technical tool and provide additional support and comfort to people.
Ensure the following app features and functionalities to empower your mission:
Quality & Convenience:
Do not strain your users with a low-quality app. Create a fully functional and highly responsive native app. Ensure a compelling design & layout, frictionless & smooth interface and a soothing app theme.
Design appealing landing pages, screens, content tabs, and more, with utmost attention and creativity. Let the app quality speak for itself.
Customized Content:
Cater to all kinds of readers by understanding their needs and wants. Categorize them according to their ailments or demographic factors like age, gender, and more.
This will also help you to understand your users better. Study them and their problems, and offer customized content accordingly.
Monitoring & Diagnosis:
Assess the cause, ailment and situation of the patients by interacting with them. Let them track and record their moods, sleeping patterns, eating patterns, and more.
Enrich your app content with infographics, charts, diagnostic tools, analysis questionnaire, therapeutic tips, mood journals, surveys etc.
Therapy & Counselling:
Help your patients to connect with therapists & counsellors and get necessary help. Offer list, tips & recommendations for nearby health centres.
Enable direct communication with mental health experts through podcasts, messages, video calls, webinars and more. You can allow these benefits for free or go for in-app subscription charges and fees.
Analysis & Assistance:
Be pro-active and predict the problems of your readers like relapses into depression, suicidal tendencies, and more. Connect a team of professionals with your app.
Allow patients to get their reports or symptoms assessed by a professional. You can also redirect critical patients towards medical care or assistance.
Community Support:
Do not just help people in identifying their problems but also provide solutions. Integrate social media pages and build community forums.
Allow people to interact with others around the globe, share experiences & ideas, discuss their issues, and find comforting company.
Become a solution provider with AppMySite
This was the detailed tour of the various aspects related to mental health apps that is now moving towards culmination.
We discussed many factors in detail and gave you ample tips and tricks. However, you are always free to use innovative and creatives ideas of your own.
We would truly love to see you bring about a concrete change in the related spectrum of mental health. Determine your goals and start making efforts as you proceed to become a solution provider.
To make you journey easy and productive, sign up for the AppMySite WordPress mobile app builder and create app without any hassle.
It is the simplest DIY app building tool that allows you to create, customize and publish app on your preferred app stores, in a visually directive and no-coding environment.
Whether you are a mental health blogger or are committed towards providing a wholesome mental health solution, you have it sorted with us.
Build your app to tap into the mobile market and follow our blogs to stay updated about the latest technological trends.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Wait no more! Turn your vision into reality and be the catalyst of change.
Create a new mental health app and reach maximum number of people. You might just end up changing many lives for the better! Get going now!