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Create push notification campaigns that every app need

Push notifications are emerging as one of the best brand based communication and marketing tools. If you have built your app using an app builder online, you would have also added the feature of push notifications to it.

Push notifications allow you to reach your target audience. Delivering them timely with relevant information, helps in engaging your users with your brand. Also, leveraging personalization and geolocation within push notifications​ can bring your brand closer to your app users.

Additionally, these notifications increase conversions, build users’ loyalty, and eventually boost your ROI (return on investment) by generating revenue.

You can create push notification campaigns and give your business an edge over others. These campaigns are the ultimate user-engagement tool. From getting a new user on-board to nurturing your relationship with your app’s most loyal users, these campaigns help you in earning trust for your brand.

If, however, you are not sure from where to start, this article is your answer. Here are the push notification campaigns, every business should set up:

The Welcome Campaign

If you send a welcome message to your new app user, it gives you the first opportunity to set the tone of future communication with the user.

You should ask yourself: What should be included in the message to grab immediate attention, and what should a new user achieve on their second visit.

However, if you have created a shopping app , you should consider welcoming new users with a special offer or discount that drives users to make their first purchase.

Remember, your goal is to ensure that the user keeps returning to your app.

The Re-targeting Campaign

The re-targeting campaigns is another push notification campaign that is essential for every business. These campaigns usually re-target users who have not yet completed specific in-app actions.

With push notifications that focus on content, you can bring disengaged users back to your mobile app, and acquire conversions. Also, such campaigns remind high-intent users to complete a specific action. This action can be about encouraging them to return to the shopping cart they abandoned.

Eventually, you need to segment push messages as per the past in-app behaviour and conversion intent. It will not only help you increase app usage but also boost user lifetime value (LTV) with the brand.

The Re-engage Lapsed Users’ Campaign

Some app users download an app and are active for a couple of months. However, the usage of the app gradually decreases and goes idle.

In this respect, a well-planned, proactive push notification campaign that targets lapsed users can be beneficial. This campaign further helps in keeping users tied your app.

With this campaign, you can target those users who are at risk of becoming inactive. Push notifications may spark their curiosity and get them back to the app.

Moreover, you can even personalize these push notifications in line with users’ past behaviour, preferences, or purchase history.

The Location-based Campaign

The Location-based Campaign

As the utilization of mobile phones is increasing, it gives an unique opportunity to businesses to reach their users anywhere and everywhere, and increase app engagement.

A mobile app bridges the gap between the digital and real-world by targeting users according to their areas. For example, geo-targeting is used for local promotions, events, and more.

You can use location-based marketing for users with whom you have developed a relationship. However, if you send location-based messages to inactive users or those who do not open your general push notifications, it could backfire and lead to deletion of the app. Go for a better strategy to avoid this blunder.

The strategy that only targets users who have engaged with a specific piece of content or may have performed a specific in-app action is perfect. In simple words, you should aim for building real relationships with your users, depending on your business.

The Reward Campaigns

Regardless of the type of app you have, user-engagement is necessary to make the most of it. However, you should not forget about app retention. 

Push notifications can help you build users’ loyalty towards your app, and prohibit them from deleting the app. After you get a conversion, send your users a thank you message that will add value to your brand.

For instance: You are in the travel sector, and a user has recently booked a flight. In that case, you can send them a message with a discount, an exclusive offer, or even a link to suggested content. This will help you engage them better.

Additionally, you can go out of your way to thank your customers by giving them more reasons to use your app. This will pay off in terms of user retention and enhance life time brand value.

Final words

Apply these ideas and tricks to engage mobile users on the go.

With these push notification campaigns, you can engage your users, retain them and draw them back to the app, if you have lost them.

Build an app with WooCommerce mobile app builder, like AppMySite, for an added feature of push notifications. With this feature, you can easily complement your app with push notification campaigns to connect with your active, inactive, as well as lapsed users.

March ahead and grow your business with us!


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