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Discover the best tips to grow your WooCommerce store

WooCommerce is an exceptional choice to launch your online store. You are halfway there if your e-commerce website is built on WordPress and integrated with a WooCommerce plugin.

With the best tools at your disposal, there should be nothing to stop you from making your business a success. Running an e-commerce business can be more challenging then building one.

In this post, we will discuss ideas that will help you grow your WooCommerce store in a tough competition in the digital world. Let’s get started:

#1- Bring high quality images into play 

It is impossible to put on a great show without showcasing the best pictures of your products. Shopping from an online store is completely dependent on the virtual exhibition of your products.

You can certainly encourage customers to browse through your collection and eventually convince them to buy if they see potential in your product, through images.

Imagine shopping online yourself, you will only be inclined to buy products that are visually appealing and genuine.

Avoid uploading images that are not great quality. Instead, go for a photo shoot of your products through a professional camera. Even better, hire a professional photographer to click high-definition images from all angles.

Moreover, give customers a good number of pictures to see from. The chances of conversion will be higher if you include multiple shots of your product.

If you are willing to take this a level above, add a zoom in feature for your products enabling the WooCommerce Zoom. This functionality should allow users to see your products closely.

Lastly, make sure each image type is consistent. For instance: if you have chosen a white background, have the photographer take all shots in the same background.

#2- Focus on building a brand image 

In the last section, we discussed keeping a constant style of your product shots. This is the first step towards building a professional online store and building a reputation amongst customers.

Besides flaunting well shot images, persistently keeping a unique style through your e-commerce store is great step towards creating a brand image.

You can achieve this by creating a copy for your page design, which can be further used on all your pages. Implement this copy consistently on every page of your WooCommerce store, including product page, contact us page, cart, checkout and more.

#3- Manufacture meaningful content 

Visual appeal coupled with valuable content are the best components to form a perfect WooCommerce store for your customers.

Besides creating a professional and unique brand image, it also ideal to create familiarity with the customers. You can easily achieve this by sharing your journey with your patrons through your website.

Alongside, create transparency by giving customers knowledge of how you procure products, manufacture them and finally get them ready for them.

To take this a notch above, introduce a blog page on your online store and regularly blog about relatable topics. For instance, if you sell fashion products, you can blog about the latest summer trends, how to style up your current wardrobe and more.

Besides touching base with your customers every now and then, you also keep them engage through valuable content.

#4- Remind customers you exist

In place of waiting for customers to come around, it is your duty to remind them that you exist. Expecting your patrons to return to your store is almost risking them to never come back again.

As outdated as it may sound, email marketing has been there for a long time and is still working a great deal for a lot of business. The reason that email newsletters have existed for as long as we can remember, top marketers never strike them off their strategies.

Emails are a great way of promoting your sales, new collections or just the fact that your customers haven’t visited in a long time.

In addition to being a perfect personal medium of getting in touch with customers, they are work well in tapping their responses. You can easily find out when a customer chooses to opt out or reach your website through your newsletter.

As a suggestion, you can always create categories of customers who are interested in a particular collection and send them personalised notifications.

#5- Encourage customers to share feedback 

Encourage customers to share feedback

Customers in today’s world want to be heard. Allowing customers to share their feedback about your products or services gives them the feeling of being in control.

Additionally, making your customer’s feel empowered by sharing their reviews, you can make the most of their feedback to improve your offerings.

By encouraging your customer to rate and review your products, you can also analyse their opinion of a particular product. Not only do reviews power your existing customers but they also are a great license to your website genuinity.

According to planet marketing, e-commerce websites that include customer reviews have higher chances of converting visitors into customers than otherwise.

You can easily scale customer experiences by allowing them to share their feedback through your WooCommerce store. A simple setting on your website backend can be turned on to enable this feature.

The reviews by your customer is also a great practice for adding fresh content on your website regularly that can be helpful for your SEO. Unknowingly, customers tend to include keywords in their content which search engines use to find what other people are looking for.

#6- Build a strong SEO strategy 

Being recognised by popular search engines is like launching your brick and mortar retail store in a popular market. In simple words, you can sell more if you are easily discoverable.

It comes as no surprise that the competition in the digital market is hard-hitting. Having said that, you can still be found by your customers if you have a powerful SEO strategy in place.

In order to be found by your potential customers easily, you must have high ranking on your preferable search engine on certain keywords.

Start with optimizing your WooCommerce store frontend. Yoast is a very popular plugin to optimize every aspect of your front store. You can go about adding meta tags, search tags and advise the keyword ratio in your content.

#7- Be available for your customers 

Customer service should never be limited to helping them with refunds and returns. Popular businesses are going above and beyond to broaden the range of their customer services, and the result is certainly not disappointing.

By offering support to your customers, you can also smoothen their shopping journey. This can include helping them locate products, finding similar products or even help in suggesting products. This not only sends back happy customers but also leads to increase of their basket size.

If you don’t have enough resources to be offer round the clock customer support, you can always introduce “Frequently Asked Question” section on your help page. This can at least help them find answers of commonly asked questions.

#8- Empower your customers

Cultivating an environment that promotes your existing customers to become frequent buyers will help your online business sustain in the longer run.

To encourage customers to buy from your more often than they normally do, introduce features that not only makes shopping extremely easy but also motivates them to visit you time and again.

For instance, include a “favourites” feature in your e-commerce store. This will allow your customers to mark their favourite products in this list, if they don’t want to buy it right away. This way, it will be easier for them to find it again.

You can go after a WooCommerce extension to easily integrate this feature in your online store. Find the Wish List extension on the WooCommerce official website.

#9- Complete your online presence 

The only way to capture the market is ensuring your products and services are available on every platform there is.

Mobile apps are not new in the market and if you don’t have it yet then it’s time to complete your online presence. Offer your customers complete freedom to shop in their own time and at their own convenience.

Suggestion read: Benefits of converting your eCommerce store into an m-Commerce application

Building a mobile app may sound like a big investment and a lot of time. However, businesses with lower budgets and less time in hand can go with a mobile app builder for WooCommerce.

AppMySite is a great alternative to build affordable e-commerce apps within minutes.

#10- Run promotions regularly 

Yes, promotions work like a magnet to attract sales. It’s true that promotions limit your profit but they also increase the number of sales which are otherwise difficult to crack.

There is always a set of customers who patiently wait for their favourite stock to be put on sales. Most times, customers end up leaving with more than they should in the promotion period.

Alongside, allow customers to take up store credit when they come back to return or replace an item. By introducing store credit, you not only give your customers freedom to use their money they want to but also reduce your losses.

WooCommerce has an in-built feature that enables customers to apply for discount coupons at the time of checkout. You can create your offers for special events or at the times of your sales.

#11- Monitor your website’s performance 

Monitor your website's performance

The performance of a website is accounted by the time it takes to upload when a visitors fires it up. Technically speaking, the page load time of your website decides it’s performance.

Ideally, the page load time of a good website should not exceed over 2-3 seconds. However, even if you can achieve 7 seconds, you are not in a bad place.

Besides increasing the number of frustrated customers, a slow performance also affects the SEO of your website. This is mainly because impatient customers leave from your homepage without navigating to other pages, eventually increasing the bounce rate.

Google is the most popular search engine currently and prefers giving higher ranking to websites that have a good page load time and low bounce rate.

#12- Conduct frequent backups

You don’t have to just backup your website to protect it from hackers. Backing up your website is a good practice that you can carry out every now and then.

This helps in keeping all versions of your website when you change the theme or change your hosting company or even move to a different server yourself.

In simple words, you are protecting yourself from losing any data which can happen if something goes wrong while conducting any of the activities we just discussed.

You can go with Jetpack plugin that will help backup your website at regular intervals automatically. This plugin also works wonderfully to improve your website’s performance.

Wrapping up 

Growing your online store is not a day’s job. You can grow your business significantly if you start with one step a time and be consistent towards the improvement of your website and your offerings.

Set off your journey to run your e-commerce store successfully by following the tips we discussed in this post.

If you don’t have a WooCommerce store yet, read up our tutorial on how you can set up your online store.


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