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Trending WooCommerce native app features

With advancement of technology and increasing market penetration of mobile apps, e-commerce businesses are developing and upgrading their mobile apps to enhance consumer experience and engagement.

In this article, we discuss trends that have emerged in the recent past, in the mobile app industry, that help businesses improve customer experience and grow.

If you are developing an app using a woocommerce mobile app builder from AppMySite, then you need to equip your app with the following tools to make it more effective.

1. Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is used by commerce apps to recommend products, personalize customer experience and target customers as per their behaviour. This helps businesses engage customers, increase customer basket size and improve customer satisfaction levels. It also helps businesses collect a lot of user behaviour data used to profile customers and improve offerings.

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2. Chatbots

Artificial intelligence also enables businesses to run chatbots on their websites and native apps. Studies show that 52% of users prefer interacting with businesses through messenger apps rather than on the phone or in person. Chatbots enables businesses to be available for users 24/7, which improves customer satisfaction rates of businesses.

3. Cloud-based apps

As per Cisco, 90% of mobile data traffic in 2022 will be through cloud applications. This is due to winning features like security of data, speed, and reliability of cloud-based apps. It also enables users and businesses to store more data and analyze it more conveniently, without limitations of devices and places of access.

4. Mobile wallets

One revolutionizing trend for Woocommerce apps is availability of mobile wallets and banking. This enables app builders to integrate e-commerce payment features to mobile payment options, allowing users to process payments faster. This helps in increased convenience for customers and improved rated of order completion for businesses.

5. Security

With widespread access to business apps, it is important for developers to secure app codes and user data throughly. It is necessary to encrypt data collection, transmission and storage, so that critical user data is secured. This enable businesses to preserve their trade secrets and customer information, improving reliability and goodwill among customers.

6. Location-based services

Geo-targeting and geofencing is used widely by e-commerce apps to engage customers effectively. Location-based prompts can be sent to users to increase their basket size and personalise product offering. Businesses can use bluetooth beacons to transmit meaningful offers or information to users, as per their locations.

With these advanced trends revolutionizing the way one can interact with and engage customers, it is important for businesses to upgrade their Woocommerce apps to stay competitive.

You can use a good woocommerce mobile app builder to integrate these features in your business’ native apps. This will not only help your business app stay in trend, but also enable it to generate value for your business and customers.

The best way to stay on top of your game is to leverage the advantages offered by these new cutting-edge technologies.


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