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What is Pantone color of the year? How to use it in your app design journey?

Did you know that “Color of the Year” is a thing? Well, it is! Every year, Pantone announces the same. The new year is here, and it is the apt time to learn about it.

For those who are unaware, Pantone is a US-based LLC (Limited Liability Company). It is a pioneer and leader in the design industry, best known for its ‘Pantone Matching System’. From color profiling to design trends, Pantone is considered the go-to platform.

Every year Pantone declares the color of the year that is used by designers and creators around the globe. Brands launch products around the color theme and incorporate the hues in their day-to-day branding and marketing activities.

So, what is the Pantone color of the year? Why is it special? How can app designers and UI/UX professionals use it in their projects? Let us find answers to all these questions and discover thrilling insights related to this concept. Stay tuned!

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In this blog

  1. What is the Pantone color of the year?
  2. How to use Pantone color of the year in app UI/UX design?
  3. Frequently asked questions

What is the Pantone color of the year?

First, what is Pantone?

As discussed above, Pantone is a color institute best known for its standardized color-coding system – the Pantone Matching System.

It is used in various industries that are centered around design, creativity, and production. This includes graphic design, product design, fashion industry, interior design, printing, and so on.

Pantone also offers services like color forecasting, color consultation, custom color creation, digital color tools, and so on. Moreover, Pantone colors have become a cultural phenomenon, and the announcement of the “Color of the Year” is highly anticipated in the creative and design universe.

What is ‘Pantone Color of the Year’?

‘Pantone Color of the Year’ is a single color chosen by the company to define the mood and spirit of that year. Every year Pantone announces a color that becomes the touchstone for creative industries and professionals in the fashion and design realm.

The Pantone Color of the Year 2024 is ‘Peach Fuzz’. It has been defined as a “cozy and comforting hue nurturing compassion and heartfelt kindness”.

In the words of Leatrice Eiseman, the Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute, it is “a shade that resonates with compassion, offers a tactile embrace, and effortlessly bridges the youthful with the timeless”.

pantone color of the year 2024


How does Pantone select the ‘Pantone color of the year’?

 A team of global color experts at the Pantone Color Institute decides the color of the year. They look for influences around the world and then finalize that one color that rules throughout the year. Anything from cultural and artistic trends to socio-economic conditions can inspire the decision-making process.

Basically, Pantone creates a universal language of colors that enables creative professionals and consumers to predict trends and align with global standards. This year Peach Fuzz has been chosen as the color of the year and brands like Motorola, Samsung, and Fenty Beauty have already started incorporating them in their new collections and product launches.

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How to use Pantone color of the year in app UI/UX design?

App designers and developers can use the Pantone color of the year to align with global trends. This year’s color ‘Peach Fuzz’ radiates warmth and softness, and it can help your users feel the same when they interact with your app.

Here’s how you can use the Pantone color of the year across various areas of your app:

  • Primary color: If you are a new brand and you do not have a defined theme for your app, you can use Peach Fuzz as the primary or accent color of your app interface. Balance it out with complementing and contrasting tones.
  • Logo and icons: Use the exact color or the shades of the color to create your app logo and icons. Make sure that it resonates with your brand identity and complements the overall theme of your app.  
  • App elements: If you want to keep it minimal, you can simply use the color to highlight your app elements like your menu designs, category displays, input fields, forms, progress bars, call-to-action buttons, and so on. Else, simply create an app feed that dominantly uses the color of the year alongside other complementary hues.
  • Artworks: If you do not want to change the theme of your key app elements, you can just update the artwork and illustrations within your app. This will refresh your app design and give it a touch of newness and warmth.

Remember, the ultimate theme of your brand and logo design should depend on factors like your industry, business goals, target audience, and so on. This year’s color will be best suited for apps that are centered around wellness, mental health, or creativity as it emits a warm and comforting theme. Else, you can simply use it to create and design temporary and dynamic elements within your app.

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Wrapping up

That was all about the color of the year. If you are planning to launch a new mobile app development project, you can draw inspiration from the color and incorporate it into your design-centric elements like screens, layouts, buttons, menus, icons, and so on.

Moreover, if you sell physical products, you can launch new product collections inspired by the color of the year – Peach Fuzz. It will project you as a global brand and bolster your marketing and branding initiatives.

However, do not compromise with your brand’s own theme. Remember, the color of the year is temporary, but your brand must have a lasting impression on your consumer’s minds. Strike a balance between the two and win at the design and creativity game.

If you found this article interesting and you want us to cover more such topics, you can suggest them in the comment section below. While you are at it, you can also check out our other blog pieces and learn more about the design and development trends and technologies.

Frequently asked questions

Which color will be trending in 2024?

As per experts, warm colors, soothing earthy tones, deep moody hues, and different shades of blue are likely to remain trending this year. Brands will pivot from neutral to bold shades and opt for more playful and expressive colors. Moreover, Pantone’s color of the year “Peach Fuzz” will inspire creative and design trends around the globe.

What is Pantone?

Pantone LLC (PANTONE) is an American company best known for its Pantone Matching System (PMS) which is used across a range of creative and design industries. Additionally, it also offers color consultation services, color guides and software, creative and designer consumer goods, and so on. It is considered an authority on color that enables standardization and simplifies color-critical decisions around the globe.

What is the Pantone color matching system?

The Pantone Color System (PMS) is a widely used standardized color-matching system. It provides a universal language for color and enables accurate reproduction and usage of colors across different environments, platforms, and materials. PMS colors are available in fan decks as well as digital libraries. This allows designers, manufacturers, and creators to access the colors in suitable formats and create universally acceptable designs. 


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