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App Preview upgraded – New features added to improve app testing

The app preview section enables users to preview and test their mobile apps. We have introduced some new features to this section

The following points provide an in-depth view of all the features in the app preview section.

  • Android & iOS emulators – Enables users to test the app they build on both Android and iOS emulators. Users have to scroll their cursor on the emulator screen as they would on a typical smartphone. The Android emulator is a new addition and part of the update.
  • Screenshot feature – Enables users to take a screenshot of any screen of their app. This is especially helpful during the testing phase when users are looking for issues on every app screen. This feature is available for both the Android and iOS emulators and was part of the new update. 
  • Restart button – Allows users to restart the testing process from the home screen. This is another important feature of an app testing standpoint. Users can directly push the restart button after making some design changes to get a preview of the new changes. This feature is available for both the emulators and is part of the new update.
  • iOS device selection – Provides users the option to preview the app on four different iOS device emulators. These devices include iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 11 Pro, and the iPhone 11 Pro Max. This feature was part of the new update. 
  • Android device selection – Provides users the option to preview the app on two different Android device emulators. These devices include Pixel 4 and Nexus 5. This feature was part of the new update. 

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