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Build a premium mobile app for your footwear brand and reinvent your business

The number of online shoppers has increased dramatically in the recent years. All across the globe, eCommerce businesses are making huge profits.

In fact, the growing number of smartphone users and the new life style changes are also shaping the market for every business and industry.

It has become easier to convert WooCommerce to mobile app overtime. It is giving every business, an opportunity to enter the mobile shopping industry.

This rapid evolution from eCommerce to mCommerce has also affected the footwear industry. It has become mandatory for footwear brand owners to cater to their mobile-friendly users.

So, how can you achieve it and make a promising start in the mobile app market? Let us explore the blog further and find out.

The footwear app market is on a surge

No matter what the purpose or occasion is, any OOTD (Outfit of The Day) is incomplete without a complementary pair of footwear. Who is not a fan of a good-looking and comfortable set of foot friends?

However, while humankind’s love for footwear remains the same, the trends of shoe-shopping have changed over the years.

Gone are the days when you had to wait for days to buy your favorite pair, drive long ways, rummage through the shelves, and wait in long queues. People are shopping for their footwear just by clicking few buttons.

In fact, with time, the industry has shaped itself according to the modern-age customers. Technology is playing a decisive role in the success of footwear brands.

There is a sudden surge in the demand of apps dedicated to footwear shopping. If you have the caliber, you must enter the app market with a premium app and claim your space.

Suggested Read: How to create a clothing store app?

Stats prove that apps can be revolutionary

The wide web marketplace is the testimony to the success of the eCommerce and mCommerce industry. In fact, there are enough case studies, research, and surveys to prove the same.

Let us help you understand the importance of apps by taking a statistical approach. Explore the facts listed below and find for yourself:

  • The number of smartphone users is set to cross the three billion mark
  • Global mCommerce revenue is set to cross the USD 700 billion mark
  • 85 per cent consumers prefer shopping on apps over websites
  • Revenue from the footwear market stands at around 432 million this year
  • The footwear market is expected to grow at a rate of 5.5 per cent annually

Data Source: Top 75+ mobile app statistics – Market size & usage; Statista

Set up an app market that consumers love

Follow the tips listed below and offer a perfect app to your consumers:

#1: Step into your consumers’ shoes

This might sound like a cliché, but the idea stands unrivaled since ages. Knowing what your potential and existing consumers want, and catering to it, can work wonders for your business.

Carry out ample research and market surveys to fathom your scope. Also study your competitors apps’ and see what they lack.

Try to incorporate those features in your app. Do not forget to build a pre-launch hype and hook the attention of your website visitors and followers.

#2: Build an irresistible app

The app will form the basis of your success in the mCommerce industry. Ensure that you consider it as a responsibility to build the perfect app for your users.

Settle only for a native app that is responsive and smooth. The user interface must be smooth, and the app should remain in complete sync with the website.

It should also be visually appealing. Choose the visual and textual elements carefully as you design captive app icon, screens, buttons, category, tiles, and more.

Suggested Read: The significance of colors in mobile app development and marketing

#3: Put up an elegant product display

The ensemble of your products will determine the purchasing tendencies of your consumers. Make sure that people are able to “visualize” your brand and products through your app.

Add high quality product images, vivid descriptions, and specifications. Define the brand, design, price, category, etc., in a clear and compelling manner.

Separate your products in different categories based on their type. Ensure that you cater to multiple preferences, ages, genders, occasions, requirements, occupations, and more.

Suggested Read: Add products to your WooCommerce store with ease: Step-by-step guide

#4: Make navigation a cakewalk

Easy and frictionless navigation

The app navigation should not be complex at all. The screen transitions and multiple actions throughout the app should be smooth and frictionless.

The screens and contents of the app should be decluttered and arranged in a tidy manner. In fact, it should have an intuitive appeal and help customers find what they are looking for.

Add easy searching, filtering, sorting, and shopping tools and make the experience wholesome. You can also offer personalized suggestions based on the users’ activity.

#5: Offer an effortless checkout

Cross-sell and up-sell products to consumers and try to expand their cart size. Once they are done adding products, the app itself should lead them to checkout.

Make the process easy and limited to a few screens. Integrate multiple payment and delivery options to offer convenience.

Widen your spectrum and ensure that the process is effortless. Also enable consumers to view taxes and invoice, and apply discounts, coupons, loyalty rewards, etc.

#6: Keep them returning for more

Turn your visitors into loyal customers and keep them coming back for more. Make extra efforts to win consumer attention and loyalty.

You can use the details of the consumers to personalize their experience. This helps you earn the brownie points in the world of marketing.

Communicate with them regularly and boost your consumer relationship. Also send push notifications and mails informing them about new deals, discounts, offers, product launches, etc.

#7: Find your USP and endorse it

Every business has its own unique aspect that separates it from the competitors. Focus on finding that Unique Selling Proposition and build your campaigns around it.

For instance, you can add a special section dedicated to handmade and ethereal shoes, sell compatible bags and other accessories complementing the footwear, implement a unique marketing style, or more.

You can incorporate products from big brands, or build your own label. Just focus on reading your consumers’ minds and keep experimenting until you find your calling.

Suggested Read: How to Make an App Without a Single Line of Code with AppMySite Online App Maker

Get, set, grow!

This was your brief guide to success in the app industry. This is the best time to enter it and make use of the new-age tools to build and nourish your own brand identity.

Many small and homegrown businesses, fashion labels, and retail brands have tapped into this opportunity and scaled to new heights.

Developing a mobile shopping app for your footwear brand can play an instrumental role in amplifying your revenue and popularity.

So, wait no more. Sign up for AppMySite and turn your website into a mobile app without coding. Enter the footwear app market and rule it!


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