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Create apps for any type of WordPress website with AppMySite

Mobile apps are ruling in every realm and have now become our go-to solution for most needs. AppMySite envisions to democratize the process of app developments and make apps available for all.

We aim to bridge the gap between technology and online brands, and give them an affordable option to build powerful native apps without necessarily relying on custom app development agencies.

AppMySite is fulfilling this aim and our subscriber family is growing manifold each day. People are loving the DIY technology as the power of creating apps is in their hands.

Anyone can create WordPress mobile apps and WooCommerce apps with AppMySite mobile app builder without writing a single line of code. Stay tuned and discover more about it!

AppMySite: Your choicest DIY code-free app builder

AppMySite enables customers to create native apps that are feature rich and complement their website. It enables you to offer an enriched mobile-friendly experience to your consumers.

All you need is to subscribe to the platform, enter some basic details of your website, and you can start designing your app immediately. The apps can be designed, customized, and tested on a free plan.

When satisfied, you can choose a subscription plan of your choice and continue to generate the build for Android and iOS. The apps can then be submitted to Google Play Store and Apple App Store for review.

That is, it! Your apps will be ready for launch in no time. Sounds overwhelming? Do not worry! The extensive repository of our support resources makes your journey easier and guides you through.

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CMS platforms currently supported by AppMySite

AppMySite has been designed to bring the power of app building to your fingertips. You can create apps for your website without writing a single line of code.

As of now, AppMySite supports WordPress CMS (Content Management System). You can complement any type of WordPress website with a premium and native app.

You can subscribe and start building an app for the following platforms:

#1- WordPress

WordPress is the world’s most popular Content Management System. It accounts for the largest share and is highly customizable and scalable. AppMySite makes the online market more viable for WordPress owners, by enabling them to build powerful native apps.

If you have a WordPress website, AppMySite is your go to platform for creating apps. You can easily connect your website with the app and launch it for Android and iOS users.

WordPress CMS

#2- WordPress with WooCommerce

WordPress is not just limited to CMS and blogging websites. It also dominates the eCommerce scenario. WooCommerce, the eCommerce extension of WordPress, is a popular choice of online brands when it comes to creating eCommerce websites.

If you own a website that is built on WordPress + WooCommerce, you can easily create an app for that on AppMySite. The apps can be powered with features that support both blogs and eCommerce functionalities.

Suggested Read: How to set up your e-commerce business with WordPress & WooCommerce – Complete guide

Types of websites you can build an app for

As assured above, you can create mobile apps for all kinds of WordPress websites, including WooCommerce. As you sign up for AppMySite and start to build your app, you will be presented with these options.

You can choose the option that best describes your website type, and proceed. The options that you get to choose from are as discussed below:

#1- eCommerce

The online buyers shop from eCommerce websites and apps. Choose this option if you have an eCommerce store without blog pages.

As you proceed, you will get the options to add products, enable filtering & sorting, and implement other such eCommerce specific features in your app.

#2- eCommerce with blogs

Blogs can make the experience more interactive for your online buyers. Powering eCommerce websites with blogs and complementing it with an app, can make the experience richer.

You can choose this option and level-up your content marketing game by bringing the products and blogs at your consumers’ fingertips. Add both products and blogs, and manage the orientation with easy to use features and settings.

#3- Blogs with eCommerce

Many blog website owners sell commodities on their website as well. For such customers, AppMySite has the option of blogs with eCommerce.

As you proceed to enter your website details and start creating an app, you can select this website type. You will be able to design the app and enable relevant features in the app accordingly.

#4- Blog

If you own a website that is plainly a blogging site, and you do not need eCommerce features in your app, then choose this option. This is best for bloggers and content writers who have their own website.

As you choose this option, you will be able to auto-populate blogs to the app, manage the blog categories, and offer the ease of mobile readability to your readers.

#5- CMS pages

Many websites often consist only of CMS pages. This is best suited for people who have a website that does not necessarily classify as eCommerce or blogs.

You can subscribe to AppMySite and also create apps for your website with CMS pages. Just select this website type and get going.

Suggested Read: CMS to app – How to convert a CMS website to a native mobile app?

AppMySite Road Map: Know what else is in store

AppMySite Road Map

AppMySite is moving towards perfection one step at a time. It has a huge number of features and benefits listed on its roadmap, that just further testifies how promising the app builder is.

In terms of CMS and platform support, there is a lot more to expect in the coming days. AppMySite will be supporting the following CMS platforms and website types in near future:


Shopify is a popular eCommerce platform that powers many websites. This is a part of our upcoming projects and soon customers with Shopify websites will be able to create apps for the same.


Magento is a highly popular eCommerce platform among all kinds of online businesses. It is a part of our roadmap and AppMySite customers will soon be able to create apps for their websites powered by Magento.

Developer APIs

We will eventually release developer APIs so that third party developers can create integrations with AppMySite. This will include integration of the system with plugins, themes, CMS platforms and more.

Suggested Read: Build First, Pay Later: Know how AppMySite offers the best app building experience

Subscribe and start building your app for free

Need an affordable yet native app for your website? Subscribe to AppMySite without much ado and join our global family of subscribers.

Build a feature-rich app for your blog or eCommerce website and attract the traffic of mobile-friendly consumers. Offer the ease of mobility and remote accessibility, and amplify engagements.

Checkout our app builder software and create your own Android and iOS apps for all kinds of WordPress websites. Sign up to start building, customizing, and previewing your app for free!


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