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The advantages of publishing blogs on your WooCommerce website

Websites and mobile apps have made our lives easier, like never before. This technology connecting the world is also empowering businesses, both big and small.

While DIY website development tools have made it effortless to start an online business, free Android app makers and iOS app builders have made it easier to amplify it to the consumers.

It also empowers customers to choose from a range of options, thereby making their shopping journey more intuitive, economical, and fruitful. They have the opportunity to browse through a number of websites, brands and services, and make the most of it.

If you already have an online store, kudos to your smart decision. However, if you are still not catering to the online customers, it is time you start doing that.

You can opt for the easiest platform and create a WordPress + WooCommerce website. The best approach is to launch a shopping website with blog and then build an e-commerce app without coding. Wonder why so?

Today, we are here to discuss about the same! So, stay with us till the end to know all about it, and to unlock your online business potential to the fullest.

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WooCommerce with blogs: An introduction

WordPress is the best CMS platform suitable for beginners as well as experts. It appeals to millions due to its simplicity, versatility, and customizability. It is one of the best platforms for blogging or starting a business.

WooCommerce is the eCommerce extension of WordPress, and hence an ideal platform for running eCommerce with blogs. Even though, integrating blogging into your WooCommerce store is optional, it is quite viable and highly recommended.

It enables you to run an eCommerce website where you can also publish blogs posts for your customers. It only makes their journey more enriching and fulfilling. Keep reading and find out how you can enable blogs on your WooCommerce website.

How to start a WooCommerce blog for your business

It is extremely easy to aid your eCommerce website with blogs. If you are already aware with WordPress, it will be a cakewalk for you. Even if you are not, you do not need to worry!

Our blogs are here to help you! (Oh, yes! We blog too! In fact, we love corresponding with our visitors and customers like you. And we have been told that they like us too. So, keep reading all the recommended blogs, including this one, and find your answers.)

Let us first tell you how you can add blogs on your WordPress + WooCommerce website. Just follow the steps mentioned below and you will be good to go:

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard
  • Click on Posts >> Add New
  • Here, add the Title and Content for blogs
  • Preview if you want to, and then hit Publish

That is it! You can go to your website and check how the blogs appear on it. Note that it is possible that you may not have an assigned template and you may need to create a new page labeled “blog”.

You can manage it under “Appearance >> Menu”. Create it like you do for any other page and you will be ready to publish entertaining blog posts.

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Advantages of having a WooCommerce + blog website

Creating blogs for eCommerce

It is the age of infotainment where people desire both, information, and entertainment. This applies to online buyers as well. They prefer being informed as they make their decision about shopping and purchases.

Blogs can help you achieve that for your eCommerce stores. In fact, there are a number of advantages attached to it. Let us discuss some of them briefly:

#1: Helps rank site for relevant keywords

If you will receive the right kind of traffic, you will more likely ensure a better conversion rate. Blogging can help you do the same. It can help your site rank for the relevant keywords and topics. It can also help with internal and external link building.

An organic approach towards link building, can further strengthen your SEO endeavors. You can write guest posts and publish them on other high-ranking websites. If you strategically post keyword optimized content regularly, you can also see a spike in your traffic and sales.

#2: Boosts your visibility on search engines

Blogging extends a range of SEO benefits to eCommerce websites. As we know, Google loves regular content flow and updates. This broadens your scope and enhances your site’s visibility.

You can write on a plethora of topics and also keep up with the trending ones. You can easily react to industry news, changes, and updates, while promoting your products side by side. This will eventually lead to better ranks and visibility, and higher traffic ultimately.

#3: Informs and engages customers

Your customers are one of the most important elements of your eCommerce business. It is important that you cater to their needs and demands and keep them amped up for more. Remember, communication can play a crucial role in your success.

Depending upon your niche, you can discuss the latest industry trends, write DIY or tutorial content, share announcements regarding sales, and more. Use your blogs to converse with your customers and keep them excited and engaged. Monitor their feedback and use it to shape your business ethics and goals.

#4: Establishes brand image and authority

Blogging gives you control over how you curate your brand image online. It is all in your own hands. When used strategically, it can give a massive boost to your brand image and authority. You can be the master of your own story and propagate it to the people effortlessly.

Besides, blogging is the easiest and the most affordable method of content marketing and publicity. You can also share your blogs across multiple communication and marketing channels and drive engagement from there as well. Isn’t it highly effective?

#5: Keeps you relevant, trending, and popular

All the advantages listed above, when put together, cumulatively ensure that you get more exposure, engagement, conversions, and publicity. Hence, blogs can help you achieve multi-dimensional growth. It can also help you find your brand’s voice and new goals.

Besides, you cannot renovate your store inventory on a regular basis. However, you can always align your blogs as per the latest trends and vogue. This helps in keeping your image fresh in the minds of your regular visitors. It can attract them and inspire them to return for more.

Create app for your WooCommerce + blogs website with AppMySite

Why limit yourself to an eCommerce website with blogs when you can unlock infinite possibilities! It is the age of smartphones and you must have an app that complements your website and helps you reach the mobile-friendly customers.

Thankfully, it has become easier to create apps with AppMySite. It is the best code-free DIY solution that is easy, affordable, and suitable for any business.

You can create all kinds of WordPress apps on the platform and complement your website with a premium app. It enables customers to build apps for their blog websites, eCommerce websites, eCommerce with blog websites, and more.

Anyone can easily sign up for AppMySite’s WooCommerce app builder and complement their WooCommerce + blog website with a dynamic and premium app. It will have all the WooCommerce features that will make your consumers’ shopping journeys easier.

You will also be able to publish blog posts and boost your communication, branding and marketing initiatives. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and offer your customers the ease and mobility of a mobile app now!


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