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How to promote your mobile app on Twitter – The complete strategic guide

The magnetism of smartphones coupled with the power of social media has become the ultimate empowering tool for online brands.

It is helping eCommerce businesses a great deal in their mission of achieving user acquisition, brand expansions and sales targets. This powerful combo has also made marketing an effortless phenomenon.

While we are trying to simplify the mCommerce goals of online businesses with our AppMySite DIY free app builder, we also want you to stay up to date with the marketing trends.

The other day, we combined and curated the list of the most robust app marketing techniques and shared it in our blog suggested below.

Suggested Read: Popular mobile app marketing techniques – The complete guide to success

Today, we will discuss one of the techniques, “Twitter Marketing” in vivid detail. It is going to be an insightful journey. So, put on your wisdom glasses and embark upon it with us. Let us begin!

An insight into the marketing dynamics of Twitter  

Twitter is not just a platform with opinions, it is also a platform with opportunities!

It is not limited to just being a community app anymore. In fact, it is one of the most sophisticated, professional, organized, and popular social media platforms in today’s day and age.

While Facebook Ads, Instagram Influencer Marketing and Google Ads have their own perks, Twitter marketing has its own essence and dynamics.

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There is a reason why Twitter is the most favorite of politicians and headline makers. It is a robust ad and PR tool that has the power to make or mar the image of any individual, organization or brand.

Therefore, before you proceed to invest in Twitter Ads and Marketing to promote your online business or app, discover the platform inside out. Let us start by exploring the advertisement dynamics of Twitter.

What is a Twitter ads account

A Twitter ads account enables users to set up, run and analyze paid campaigns and ads on Twitter. It is not an additional or individual account, but is meant to enable monetization for your existing brand account.

Although a generic account and a business account are basically same on Twitter, it is the ads account that separates the regular users from the commercial ones. Anyone can easily visit and set up a Twitter ads account for free.

How to create a Twitter ads account

No need to get overwhelmed with the information! Follow our step by step guide listed below and set up your Twitter Ads account:

Step 1: Visit  and log into the account you want to run the ads for

Step 2: Go to to launch the ad settings and view the two options

Step 3: Choose one from the two options listed below:

  • Choose ‘I want to automatically promote my Tweets’ – to open Twitter Promote Mode and launch automatic promotion  program
  • Choose ‘I want to launch a Twitter Ads campaign’ – to set up and manage customized and objective based campaigns.

Step 4: Set up the country, currency and time zone

Step 5: Add billing details and information to set up the campaign and begin

Popular Twitter campaign and ad formats

Let us give you a brief information about the various campaign and ad formats that you can use to advertise or promote content on Twitter. The popular formats are as listed below:

#1: Promoted Tweet

It is the basic ad format that gives customers a glimpse of the content promoted by marketers. You can show promoted text, images, gifs, polls, and accounts in the news feed of users.

#2: Video

This section allows you to unleash the visual and aesthetical powers and show video ads like YouTube. It has categories like promoted video, amplify pre-roll, amplify sponsorship, first view and promoted live video or periscope.

#3: Cards

Cards is a newly emerging ad-concept that has become quite popular on social media platforms. Twitter has various Card formats like website card, app card, direct message card, conversation card and tweet to unlock feature.

#4: Brand

This is the most advanced ad and branding feature on Twitter that is quite effective and popular. It gives broader ad opportunities like branded emojis, brand reminders, promoted moments, promoted trends, and promoted trend spotlight.

You can explore and read about these ad formats here in detail!

The perks of promoting your app on Twitter

There are innumerable benefits of promoting your mobile app on Twitter. Go through some of the advantages listed below that will just make your day:

#1: Huge potential user base

As per Twitter itself, there are more than 330 million active monthly users of the platform who engage with the various aspects of it on a regular basis. As a result, it is one of the most popular social media platforms that is well suited for brand promotions.

In fact, according to Statista, 67 per cent of all B2B businesses are using Twitter as a digital marketing tool. Also, as per Digital Marketing Institute, four out of ten Twitter users are likely to make a purchase after interacting with an ad campaign. Clearly, it is making brand and consumer relationship more influential and multi-dimensional.

#2: Easy keyword optimization

As an online brand owner, you must be well aware of the power of keywords in SEO (System Engine Optimization) and ASO (App Store Optimization) as well. It can determine the fate of any content that is shot on the internet and is meant to reach specific users.

The hashtag game goes several notches up when it comes to Twitter, as compared to other social media platforms. In fact, it might not be an exaggeration to say that Twitter taught the other platforms how to use keywords and tags for optimizing the reach and visibility. It is one of the viable perks that gives a significant leverage to marketers.

Suggested Read: A complete guide to understanding the concept of App Store Optimization

#3: Effortless consumer targeting

Twitter has a huge number of targeting and re-target options that make the process of connecting with potential consumers, absolutely effortless and highly functional. You can easily divide the users on the basis of a variety of things like geography, preferences, activities, etc., and end up striking the right ones.

For instance, the targeting can be based on – Keywords, Events, Interests, Topics, Followers Lists, Content Preferences, Activities, Purchases, etc. People who saw your tweet or interacted with your profile can also be re-targeted. You can also filter and narrow down your users based on other metrics and enable hyper-targeting.

#4: Dedicated ‘install app’ ads

One of the perks of advertising your app on Twitter is that you can avoid faffing and get straight to the point with your customers as you place the ads or run campaigns. It reduces the churn rate and increases the chances of success.

People see clear “Install App” or related campaigns that can be easily curated using dedicated tools by Twitter. An effective CTA button or download link can be added to the campaign post, thereby redirecting the users to the app stores for app download and installation.

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#5: Performance based payments

The best thing about Twitter is that you pay only for the performance. For instance, if you are running an app install campaign, you can pay only for the number of successful app installs. There are obviously some nuances to it, but it is quite affordable and efficient at large.

Businesses get full value for money as the charges are incurred based on the strength on lead generation. This may include the number of impressions, installs, engagements, etc., as chosen by the marketer.

Best strategies to earn maximum installs

Now that you are completely aware of the benefits of Twitter marketing, let us discover the best strategies for promoting an app on the virality based platform.

Follow the tips listed below and ensure amazing results.

#1: Create an active account

The first step is to set up an account that catches the attention of the masses that come across your business profile. Add a related brand image as your profile picture (preferably your brand logo) and a banner, and avoid changing them frequently.

Add a descriptive bio using quirky and creative phrases that define your brand’s USP, mission or special achievements. You can update it once in a while if an impactful idea comes up. For instance, you can refer Zomato India’s Twitter account that suits the brand’s social image and goals. You can also explore the account of your competitors to get some ideas.

#2: Use the power of hashtags

Once the account is set up, you can start posting eye-catching posts and moments. Create and follow a content calendar and power all your posts with captive copies, images, videos, URLs, and hashtags. Interestingly, hashtags play a very important role when it comes to being more discoverable on Twitter.

Find the relevant tags that suit your post, brand, product, industry, etc., or are in trend, and fuse them in your post copy. It works just like Keywords work in SEO. There is a better chance that when a user will search for that tag or click on it, your post will appear in the list of suggestions.

#3: Participate in viral conversations

Twitter is all about having brief but impactful conversations where you can strike a chord with just 280 characters. So, take part in the on-going conversations and trends and keep the energy heightened for your followers at all times.

You can also create your own polls, start conversations, initiate live interactions, join a popular cross-brand banter, or organize competitions. Try to make use of the trending discourse and use humor or empathy to pave your way in. The idea is to mark your presence, engage with your users and be “visible” to them at all times.

#4: Run sponsored ads & campaigns

Besides making use of the free tools and accessories by Twitter, also run paid ad campaigns. You can also sponsor other brands if you have the fortunes or seek sponsorship by broadcasting other brands. The ads are featured on the usual feed of the users and thus grab their attention quickly.

Take cue from the Twitter advertisement methods and types listed above and choose whatever suits your brand the best. You can also go for “Install App” ad campaigns, run targeted “Promotions”, etc., and get the leverage of paid branding and marketing.

#5: Encourage sharing & promotion

If you are an active user on Twitter, you must have seen posts that may have tempted you to share them with your followers. You need to conceptualize something along those lines and try to encourage your users to share the posts, links, and more.

You can also cross promote the campaigns on several other social media platforms. Else, share invites and information to customers through push notifications, emails, etc. Add some value driven content and ask customers to share it in their circle.

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Concluding Tips!

That was all from our end today! Kudos to you for staying with us throughout the insightful journey. Looks like you are prepared to take over Twitter and make your online business a massive hit among the social media freaks.

However, besides appealing the Twitteratis, you will need to take some additional efforts to reach and impress your online audience at large. As most of the consumers are smartphone users today, you can start by launching a new user-friendly app that grabs the maximum attention.

To know more about converting WooCommerce to apps, you can sign up for AppMySite mobile app creator and also go through our other blogs. It is time you learn the ropes of the industry and conquer it with your effort and determination.


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