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What are white-label mobile apps? Here’s all you need to know

Is custom app development becoming a thing of the past? We cannot say for sure yet. However, it is absolutely true that more businesses are aspiring to go mobile each day and they are willing to look beyond custom app development.

Traditional methods of app development are costly, time-taking, and challenging. Alternatively, businesses, organizations, and even developers are looking towards citizen development, low-code platforms, code-free app creators, and other budget and time-friendly solutions.

These platforms and solutions have simplified and streamlined app development and made it easier for people to launch an app of their own or even power their app development service or agency. The growing popularity of white-label mobile apps underlines the same.

Whether you are new to the concept or just looking for some guidance, we are here to help you. In today’s piece, we cover all the aspects of white-label mobile app development. So, stay tuned till the end and get some food for thought before you proceed with your app development projects.

In this blog

  1. What is a white-label mobile app?
  2. What are the pros and cons of white-label app development?
  3. White-label vs custom app development
  4. How to choose a white-label app development company?
  5. Frequently Asked Questions

What is a white-label mobile app?

White-labeled mobile apps are apps created by one company but offered to the client under the branding of another seller. In fact, white-label is not a type of app but rather an approach towards app development and how the apps are created, sold, and marketed. Here, a company buys the app from a third party and makes it available to the clients or users as their own.

Similarly, a white-labeled app development software or tool is a platform that has been created by a certain company but can be used by another brand to build apps and sell them to their customers as their own. Apart from the app, the platform, support, services, and other assets may also be white-labeled in some cases.

For instance, let us assume that a restaurant wants to create an app for its customers, but it does not want the app to have any branding of the app development agency or software. In this case, the business can get a white-labeled solution provider to build a restaurant app, but the client-facing side of the app will look like it is a property of the restaurant.

Else, let us assume that an entrepreneur wants to start an app development business, or a development agency wishes to increase its app development caliber. In this case, they can turn to a no-code app development solution like AppMySite, where they can build their apps in no time and cater to the growing demands of their clients under their own banner.

In a nutshell, white-labeled app development is a growing trend that has many benefits. The shortage of developers and the extravagant costs of maintaining app development infrastructures and ecosystems have compelled developers, agencies, and businesses to adopt white-labeled app development services that are comparatively affordable, faster, and easier to maintain and work with.

What are the pros and cons of white-label app development?

White-labeled mobile app development has several benefits and some challenges. Just like any other app development method, it has its own set of pros and cons. Let us explore the advantages and disadvantages and know more:

Pros of white-label app development

White-labeled solutions have several advantages over custom app development. Here are some notable advantages of white-labeled app development:

Low barrier to entry

A white-labeled app development solution comes with a ready-to-use infrastructure and ecosystem. Therefore, starting an app development business becomes affordable and easy. Anyone can become an entrepreneur or upgrade their business by creating apps in a fast and efficient environment as long as they have a dependable white-label solution.

Easy brand credibility

Offering smooth, advanced, and scalable solutions is the best way to earn customer trust and loyalty. White-labeled platforms help businesses serve customers with smart solutions without having to deal with the nuances of app development. They can brand the product as their own and let their customers believe that it is they who have upgraded their experience.

Zero backlog

Project backlogs and discrepancies that arise due to backlogs are common among app development agencies and companies. Such agencies can get rid of their limitations by implementing white-labeled solutions across their organization. It will increase their staff efficiency and unlock new opportunities for growth and revenue.

Faster time to market

White-labeled app development solutions, especially no-code app builders, shorten the development cycle and expedite the time-to-market. They enable businesses to accomplish their goals in a fast-paced environment, thereby increasing the bandwidth to undertake more projects. The maintenance responsibilities are also reduced, leading to better staff efficiency and productivity.

Financially rewarding

All the factors mentioned above contribute to the overall growth and profit of the business using the white-labeled app development solutions. Businesses can create affordable apps at bulk rates and sell them to their end customers at any price. As apps can be monetized in several ways, it remains a win-win for both businesses and their customers.

Cons of white-label app development

Every solution comes with its own set of disadvantages and hurdles. Here are some of the challenges of white-labeled app development:

Customization and scalability challenges

One of the biggest disadvantages or challenges of white-labeled app development is that there is limited scope for customization and scalability. Most white-labeled app providers use the same app infrastructure or framework for all apps. This leads to a design and functionality overlap and ultimately causes app rejections. However, if the solution is anything like AppMySite where you can start on an empty canvas and create your app from scratch, you should be safe.

Ownership and authority issues

White-labeled apps are created by one business or company and sold by the other. This can cause confusion regarding accountability, source code ownership, overall ownership of the app, control, and authority conflicts, and more. The reliability on third-party for resolutions and updates can also lead to delays and issues. Therefore, it is better to take these facts into consideration and go with an online solution that is transparent and upfront about its terms and policies.

White-label vs custom app development

To gain a clearer perspective on white-label app development, it is important to understand how it compares against custom app development on different aspects. Read along and find out:


Custom mobile app development: The apps are built from scratch using traditional frameworks and codes. Each segment of the app is rather unique and designed to serve customized goals. Here businesses or developers create the app and serve directly to customers.

White-label mobile app development: Most white-label platforms offer a pre-built ecosystem or infrastructure that is commonly used by all clients to create apps that have some customized aspects. Here, apps are built by a third party and sold by businesses to clients or users as their own.

Ease of development

Custom mobile app development: Custom app development is anything but easy. It takes extensive effort to create an app using the traditional methods. Moreover, a team of professionals is required to take care of the various aspects of app development, content-population, and management.

White-label mobile app development: White-label mobile app development solution gives app developers the ability to create and launch apps with minimal effort. Either the apps are built by a third-party or they get a low-code or no-code solution that simplifies app development.

Cost and time

Custom mobile app development: This method of app development is costly and time-taking. There is no standard for custom pricing, and it leads to unfair quotations, hefty budgets, and a long wait period of months. Moreover, iterations, updates, and maintenance also increase the budget of development.

White-label mobile app development: Most white-label solutions are designed to suit all kinds of budgets and prices. Maintenance and updates are often a part of the subscription, making it an affordable option. This approach also saves a lot of time as it fast-tracks app development and gets you launch-ready in only a few days.


Custom mobile app development: Evidently, the fundamental benefit of custom app development is endless customization. You can ensure endless personalization and add as many features and functionalities as you want. However, this in turn can cause clutter and increase the budget.

White-label mobile app development: Such solutions often come with a fixed ecosystem where some customization is possible. However, modern-day no-code solutions offer smart customization features, enable integrations, and allow app developers to personalize the app the way they want.

Scalability and updates

Custom mobile app development: While custom-made apps are usually scalable, implementing even a minor update or feature change can cause huge code disruption and cost heavily. However, custom app development ensures flexibility and scalability to a huge extent.

White-label mobile app development: Scalability can be a challenge with some white-label solutions as they are often pre-defined. However, as technology is upgrading, several white-label solutions now offer scalability and one-click update and feature deployments without any additional costs.

Source code ownership

Custom mobile app development: Here, the developers get complete control over the process of app development and own the source code. There is often no conflict of authority as the app often remains the property of the person developing or owning the app, depending on the use case.

White-label mobile app development: Here, the app owners or developers may get little to no access to the source code of the app. As the apps or the development platform are created by third parties there can be confusion related to accountability and ownership.

Wondering what the verdict is? Well, while it is easier to achieve endless customization with traditional methods of app development, it is simpler to rebrand an app built with a white-label solution, and this is just one example. Clearly, both methods have their own set of pros and cons, and you must weigh them and pick the one that aligns with your own resources and goals.

How to choose a white-label app development company?

Wondering what to look for in your white-label app development partner? Here’s a list of things that you should consider before finalizing a white-label app development platform or company:

Easy development and maintenance

The whole point of white-label app development is to simplify and streamline the otherwise complicated process of app development. Therefore, your chosen platform should make it easy to develop and maintain apps. It is best to go with a no-code DIY app development solution as it requires no coding knowledge and gives you complete control as you or your clients design and build your own apps.

Effortless customization and fast delivery

One of the biggest reasons why white-labeled apps fail or get rejected is that they are not unique. Therefore, avoid cookie-cutter solutions that offer run-of-the-mill solutions. Instead look for a platform that enables you to customize the app design, layout, screens, buttons, and other visual aspects of the app. However, also give importance to an easy-to-use interface and faster delivery or time to market.

Affordability and sustainability

In order to make the apps available to the customer or end user at a beneficial price, you should be able to build it on a pocket-friendly budget. Therefore, look for a solution that is affordable and offers competitive bulk pricing packages. Go with a solution that offers free previews and trials and has a range of pricing options. Moreover, it should be easy to maintain the apps in the long run and push updates and new features with minimal friction.

Scalability and suitability

The app development platform or solution should have a scalable infrastructure. It should be able to cater to the growing audience base and demands of your business. A platform that rations every install you get and every sale you make may not be very profitable in the long run. Similarly, it should align with the needs of your business and your targeted audiences. Therefore, look for a platform or service that ensures transparency and is growth-friendly.

Smart tech stack and support

It goes without saying that with great profits come great responsibilities. Bugs, errors, downtimes, etc., are a part and parcel of app development and usage. Therefore, you will have to offer quality support to your end-users and customers, and for that, you will need a platform that does the same for you. Go with a platform that has a smart technology stack to ensure minimal issues. Moreover, look for smooth support and offer the same to your own customers.

These were some of the attributes to look for in your white-labeled app development partner. It is best to go with a SaaS solution that enables endless customization and scalability and remains affordable. If you are still confused, we recommend you subscribe to AppMySite. We will soon launch our white-labeled solution that will simplify and expedite app development. It will power you to serve your clients under your own brand name and grow your business limitlessly.

Wrapping up

Intrigued? Well, you should be. White-labeled solutions are not the future but a necessity of the present. There are not as many apps as websites and the demand for mobile app development continues to rise. However, as custom app development and traditional methods of app building fail to deliver and cater to the exigency, the use of alternate solutions will rise.

Therefore, whether you are a freelance developer, an agency, or even an entrepreneur, you can use white-labeled app development solutions like AppMySite and help your clients convert website to app for free. It requires no prior experience in app development or any knowledge of coding. Just subscribe and start customizing your apps in a no-code and DIY environment.

Explore our platform and know for yourself. It is absolutely free to use and is designed to democratize app development and make it suitable and accessible for all. Create apps for any industry and launch them on the Google Play and Apple App Stores.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is white-label mobile app development?

White-label app development is where a company builds applications or offers app-building solutions to another business that rebrands the app or the solution as its own and sells it to its customers. This enables businesses to sell apps at scale without having to build everything from the ground up. Moreover, it also helps such businesses retain their brand identity and endorse the app as their own.

What approach is best when it comes to white-labeled solutions?

Both SaaS and backend-based approaches are considered suitable when it comes to white-labeled app development solutions. In a backend-based approach, customers get the freedom to manage the front end of the software or application while the backend is handled by the solution provider. Whereas a SaaS tool or platform gives customers the platform and ecosystem for managing the end-to-end development process. This creates room for first-hand control and customization that is otherwise a challenge in white-label app development.

Can I customize white-label mobile apps?

Several platforms with white-label solutions give their customers the freedom to customize the apps. For instance, AppMySite gives complete control in your hands as you or your clients can design, customize, and shape the app the way you want. It has intelligent design and customization tools and allows you to upload your own artwork or brand assets. Moreover, you can add features with point-and-click options and auto-populate your website data to the app with a click, thereby simplifying in-app content management.

Which industries use white-label apps?

With highly customizable white-label app development solutions available online, more and more industries are adopting the technology and getting benefitted from it. White-label apps can be used across verticals. With a solution like AppMySite, you can create apps for any industry. For example, you can create powerful retail apps​ in minutes without writing code.

Which company offers the best white-label mobile app solution?

Several SaaS (Software-as-a-service) companies and platforms offer white-label mobile app solutions. However, while some of them cost a fortune, others do not live up to client expectations in terms of features, ease of usage, and other related benefits. However, AppMySite strikes the perfect balance between the two. It democratizes app development by making it simple and affordable like no other. It has the best white-labeled mobile app development solution to offer, where you can build feature-rich apps for your clients and offer a smooth service.

How much does it cost to create a white-label mobile app?

The app development industry is quite erratic when it comes to the cost of creating apps. The same is the case with white-label mobile app development. Most agencies and platforms are not upfront about their pricing. However, traditional white-label app development can cost you thousands of dollars in the initial stages. Even an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for a single platform (Android or iOS) can cost you around 50,000 US dollars. Maintenance of the apps and releasing updates will cost extra. Therefore, it is better to look for a solution that offers a range of upfront pricing options and remains budget-friendly without compromising on the advantages.

What technologies do I use for my white-label app?

The tech stack of app development should be based on your customized needs. Factors like app type, the complexity of features and functionalities, operating system, etc., affect the choice of tech ensemble. For instance, custom app development requires programming languages like Swift, Java, and Kotlin and app development frameworks like Flutter and React Native. However, when you are using a DIY no-code solution like AppMySite, you remain covered as it comes with a cutting-edge tech stack and the best solutions and integrations that make app development easy and powerful.


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