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11 Add-on solutions by AppMySite that can supercharge your online business

AppMySite is assisting businesses in reaching their mCommerce goals. The DIY mobile app builder is democratizing the mobile app development industry by providing affordable online solutions.

It is the best alternative to custom app development that demands more time, resources, money and effort. Anyone can create WordPress mobile apps and Woocommerce apps without coding.

This is not it! There is a whole package of add-on solutions too! These add-on solutions further enhance the experience by making the app building process easier and benefiting businesses in many other ways.

Let us explore the blog and discover more about each add-on product in detail. Stay with us till the end and know how you can make the app building journey more productive and functional.

Suggested Read: How to create an app in 10 simple steps? Make an app without coding

11 Add-on solutions to power-up your website and app

AppMySite offers a whole range of add-on products and solutions. These add-ons have been designed keeping the needs of our subscribers in mind.

The add-ons provide ease and convenience to the customers and make their journey easier by:

  • Making the app more powerful
  • Adding more features and functionalities
  • Enhancing the online presence of brands
  • Assisting with the app design & customization
  • Helping with app listing, publishing & visibility
  • Ensuring secure and robust experience for users

Each add-on comes with multiple benefits that add more value to your app and your overall online presence. Read further and explore the features and functionalities of each add-on one by one:

 #1: White Label

White label

The apps built with us come with a default AppMySite branding. However, if you do not want your users to view it and wish to eliminate the AppMySite branding, you can purchase this add on.

The white label addon enables you to ensure exclusivity and make the app fully personalized. All you need is to make a purchase and the add-on will seamlessly integrate with the existing version of your app.

Once the payment is complete, the AppMySite logo will be automatically removed from your app without you having to initiate any other change. Else, you can simply opt for the Annual Pro plan and get this add-on for free.

#2: WordPress Web Hosting

web hosting

A fast and robust website can not only enhance the experience of your visitors, but also boost the performance of your app. This WordPress Web Hosting add-on ensures the same.

It enables you to host your website and app on WP Engine, a super-fast web hosting provider. The add-on optimizes the speed and performance of your WordPress website and app.

It also elevates the security of your website by proofing it against malicious cyber-attacks. You also get free benefits like SSL certificate, custom cashing, CDN and more. The powerful partnership of AppMySite and WP Engine makes it a must-have add-on!

#3: Mobile App Design

mobile app design

AppMySite offers full customizability to users as they can design the app screens and layout on their own. Existing designs and artworks can also be uploaded and used to build the app.

However, if you wish to design it from scratch and need professional assistance, we are here for you. This AppMySite add-on enables you to make your app more aesthetic with the help of expert designers.

You can purchase this add-on to get your App Icon, Splash Screen, Log-in Screen, Sign-up Screen, Forgot Password Screen, and Dashboard Banner designed by professionals at AppMySite.

Suggested Read: How to design the home screen of your WooCommerce app on AppMySite?

#4: App Store Design

App store design

Having an aesthetic and visually appealing presence on the app stores is crucial. It helps you to create an elegant brand presence, catch the attention of your users, and inspire more downloads.

You can purchase this add-on to enhance the listing of your app on the app stores. Under this add-on, you get professional assistance for designing the Feature Image (banner), App Icon and App Screenshots.

The designs are delivered within 7 working days and you get one free revision as well. You can purchase this add-on and ensure a stunning appearance on the app stores.

#5: Upload to App Stores

Upload to app store

The AppMySite free app builder is completely DIY and you get absolute control over the process of designing, customizing, testing and publishing your app. However, we understand that not all users wish to go through all the processes.

Therefore, just like the app and app store design assistance, you can also get help with app listing and publishing. You can save yourself from going through the complicated and tedious process of app listing with this add-on.

The process of listing apps on the app stores becomes easier as the experts at AppMySite:

  • Get the essential certificates and trigger the build for your iOS app
  • Generate the Android app build and perform rigorous app testing on the Play Store
  • Upload the iOS app & Android app on Apple App Store & Google Play Store respectively

Hence, the process of getting your app launched becomes smoother and more hassle free!

#6: New App Version

new app version

If you wish to stay updated and change with the evolving industry trends this unique add-on is for you! It enables users to rejuvenate their app design and build.

With this add-on, you can:

  • Update the app name to rebrand your online presence
  • Update the app icon and give your app a new identity
  • Update the launch screen and greet users with a fresh interface
  • Build a new app version and replace the existing apps on the stores

Renovate your mobile presence and remain in sync with the ongoing trends and changes.

#7: App Store Optimization

App store optimization

App Store Optimization is mandatory as it boosts your visibility and ranking on the stores and makes your app more discoverable. It is a really complex process and has many nuances attached to it.

However, with this add-on, you can bid adieu to all the worries of optimizing your app. Our ASO experts will ensure that your app is completely optimized for the app stores.

The ASO support representatives will get in touch with you and assist you with the entire process. This includes keyword research, meta optimization, and more.

Suggested Read: A complete guide to understanding the concept of App Store Optimization

#8: Consent Form

Consent form

Not all apps are meant for all kinds of users. Many brands often need to limit their users based on age, nationality, or other factors. Hence, you can do the filtration by adding a consent form.

You may also need a consent form to ensure that your customers agree with certain conditions. For instance, if you sell liquor, you will need your users to confirm that they are above the permissible legal drinking age in their country or state.

You can easily ensure this in your app with this add-on. All you need is to purchase this add-on and you will automatically be able to set the necessary limitation criteria for app users.

#9: Language Support

language banner

Language can pay an instrumental role in driving more traffic to your app, boosting your local appeal, establishing stronger business-customer relationships and getting additional exposure.

The apps built with AppMySite have English as the default language. However, the language support add-on enables you to translate your app into a language of your choice from the list. The translations are verified by professional translators and linguistic experts to ensure accuracy.

We are adding more and more languages to our list and our goal is to cover all the languages supported by WordPress. You can get this add-on and enable one click translation that can be easily reversed at anytime.

#10: Feature My App

At AppMySite, we are committed to offering you the best app building experience and more. Do not just build an app but also get the necessary exposure you need for your brand.

You can get this add-on to feature your mobile app on AppMySite’s official website and attract more eye-balls. It will also enable you to gain visibility among the like-minded people from the mobile app industry.

Moreover, we publish a dedicated article for your mobile application featuring your story. We literally endorse you amidst our entire family of customers, subscribers, visitors and more.

#11: Prevent Screenshot

The content of your app is always exposed to the users who install and use your app. However, it also makes it vulnerable to design plagiarism and several other kinds of threats.

Thankfully, this add-on can help you prevent it. The add-on prohibits users from taking a screenshot of the app contents without any hassle or without disrupting their experience.

If you do not want users to take screenshots instead of sharing the app, this add-on is a must have. It will make your app more exclusive and secure.

Suggested Read: Add-ons or no add-ons – How do you know your app needs one?

Create apps without coding and power with add-ons

We are not done yet! AppMySite has a lot more to offer when it comes to powering online businesses. The free app maker, for instance, is an ideal solution for brands willing to enter the mobile app industry.

We are making the add-on tools better, adding new ones, and also adding new features to the mobile app builder on a regular basis. Anyone can subscribe to the platform and build premium native apps for their website with our easy to use DIY tool.

You can create high-performing Android and iOS apps, customize the layout and test the apps for perfection for free. Proceed to power them with add-ons of your choice and ensure a 360-degree coverage.

Enter the mobile app industry with a complete package and offer the best to your consumers. Tap into the mobile-friendly market with ease and steer to success effortlessly!


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