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Complement your online jewellery store with a WooCommerce mobile app

The rapid technological revolutions are posing new challenges and unlocking new opportunities for businesses. Every industry, small, medium or big, is aligning its business practices with the changing technology. The advent and evolution of mobile apps, is one such change that is influencing all markets across the globe.

The fascinating jewellery industry is not alien to these changes. This billion-dollar industry has also evolved and branched out, thereby adapting to the technological advancements. The jewellery market is achieving new dynamics, as apart from selling on websites, store owners are also tapping into the mobile market.

The easy and affordable availability of simple WooCommerce app builder tools like AppMySite, has brought mCommerce within the reach of every business. Read further and find out how you can elevate your jewellery business by complimenting your online store with a mobile app.

Mobile apps are the future of your business

It won’t be an exaggeration to state that the markets will confine on our palm tops and people will only shop on apps in near future. As a business owner, it is both smart and profitable for you, to be future-ready.

By doing so, you will not only be able to tell your consumers that you are ahead of your competitors, but also offer them more ease and convenience. Turning your website into an app, can help you in ways you can’t even presume.

To introduce you to the wonders of the technology, we have summed up the major benefits of mobile apps, and listed it below. Before you discover the process of creating a unique app for your store, get well versed with the profits.

Few of the most fascinating advantages of having a mobile app for your business are as discussed below:

Mobile apps can outperform websites

The outgrowing number of Android & iOS apps on the app store is a proof of the fact that the future of mCommerce is strong and highly promising. A business can maximise its potential by complementing its online store with an app.

An app outperforms websites in many ways. For a better understanding, we have listed the prime benefits as follows:

  • Ease & Convenience: Apps offer more ease and convenience to shoppers. As a result of this effortless accessibility, people spend more time and money on apps and keep returning too.
  • Consumer Loyalty: Unlike websites, people don’t just buy and then forget your brand never to return again on apps. In fact, apps ensure better conversion and retention rates.
  • Higher Profits: Elegant apps with user-friendly layout tempt people to buy more. Eventually, the loyal buying behaviour increases the basket size and boosts revenues.
  • Better Recall Value: Apps add value to business and enhance brand recognition. Your app icon flashes every time your users open their phones, thereby building brand recall value.

App technology can expand your reach

Studies show that over two million people shop for jewelry every day. By aiding your business with an app, you will be able to allure a large number of potential buyers who are both tech savvy and fans of exquisite jewelry.

Businesses can reach more people by harnessing the technological benefits of mobile apps. Some of those beneficial factors are:

  • Power of AI & AR: Apps have become more responsive and capable with the infusion Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality. There are apps that are allowing consumers to virtually design their own jewelry and test it. It is a great example of what this technology can do to promote your success and expand your reach.
  • Online wallets: Jewellery is no peanuts and people think twice before paying the hefty amount for it. With multiple payment options present online, security and safety become the primary concerns of buyers. Safer and more secure payment gateways and online wallets are facilitating payments worldwide.
  • Virtual Management: Apps are easily manageable and can almost become a virtual business unit and market place. The smart technology makes it easy for you to manage your online business and reach many potential shoppers.

Branding & marketing is easier with mobile apps

Apps are a great tool for managing your marketing related activities. You can elevate your branding and publicity practices with a fully functional app.

In the marketing sphere, apps can be beneficial in the following ways:

  • Enhance Communication: An interactive app can help in enhancing communication with your users. It can help you in engaging better with your consumers.
  • Support Content Marketing: An app builder that comes with in-built content marketing support is a boon. You can easily optimize your settings, send push notifications and offer blog-based information to your users with an intuitive app.
  • Aid Performance Analysis: Monitoring the ratings, reviews, feedback, purchase pattern and more, can help you in getting an insight into your strengths and weaknesses. It can also help you in improving your performance and determining new marketing goals.

Devise the best strategy for absolute success

It is evident, that having an app for your jewellery business can amplify your growth. However, just converting your WooCommerce jewellery store into an app is not enough. It is important to proceed with the right strategy to make the most of this technology.

In order to do so, you can consider the factors and tips enlisted below:

  • Get Creative: More than just an ornamental accessory, jewellery is the statement of one’s personality and status. Thus, think beyond Carat, Color, Clarity & Cut and include Creativity in your approach. Break the traditional barriers and create your own niche & signature.
  • Personalize the Experience: Segregate your customer-base & products and strategize accordingly. Daily use jewellery should be sold differently from the ones meant for special occasions. Similarly, offer customised experience to different consumers based on their age, gender, social background and more.
  • Ensure Value for Money: Win the trust of people before making them invest in your brand. You can justify the dearness of niche products by giving examples of implementation of ‘Fair Trade Policy’. People can pay more if they know that they are spending it on something good.
  • Be Authentic: Security & value for money is sought greatly by jewellery shoppers. Provide ample proof of authenticity of products and security of payment gateways to satisfy your buyers. Remember, transparency boosts business-consumer relationships.
  • Provide information: Jewelry price is often subject to market fluctuation. Send alerts to users about price drops, sales, new arrivals, discounts and more. Also, be clear about your shipping, return & refund policies. Besides offering great products, also offer thorough information about the product.
  • Use Visual Aid: People buy what they see. Make your app aesthetically appealing with product pictures. You can also partner with celebrities and take help of influencer marketing to build social proof for your brand. This will help you in roping in new and potential customers.

Spend wisely, build smartly

A great app can expand your abilities as a business. Many jewellery store owners are already surging on success by going that extra mile.

However, to make the most of the opportunities, you must utilize all your resources smartly. To strengthen your ROI (Return On Investment), you can take help from the strategies discussed below.

Create app with a DIY app builder:

In this modern day and age, spending huge amount on hiring technicians is not a very smart decision. Instead, go for AppMySite’s native mobile app builder and create your own app without coding. It is affordable and convenient and a smarter alternative.

You can start building the app immediately after signing up. Designing and personalizing the app is really easy. Once you are done, you can also preview and test your app on a real device before publishing it. You can sit back and relax once the app is submitted to the app store for approval.

Plan a strong launch strategy

Good app launch strategy

You must have a strong pre-launch and post-launch strategy to get a good number of downloads for your app. You can announce your app’s arrival on your website and your social media platforms. Build a hype by promoting your app even before it is launched and hook your existing users.

Use various marketing techniques to publicize your app. Continue sharing it on social media and reward people for referring your app. You can also invite your entrusted customers to be a part of the A/B testing process. This will help in knowing what your consumers want and thereby enhance the functionality of your app.

Upgrade and optimize your app:

Keep addressing the reviews and feedbacks that you receive for your app. Carefully analyze the comments and ratings and make changes to your brand and your app accordingly. Do not forget to keep your app features & your products up to date and in line with the trends.

You can also opt for a White Labelled app solution to achieve brand exclusivity and add the appeal of luxury and class. The app is a representation of your brand, so design and define it well.

Outshine your competitors now

Building an app is not a Herculean task anymore. As discussed above, you can easily create an app with AppMySite WooCommerce mobile app builder that comes with all the essential features and ample tips.

Now that you have all the necessary information and tools, there is no need to wait anymore. Go ahead and cease the opportunity now. Get in touch with us and build a premium jewellery app in no time.

Venture into mCommerce with a bang and outshine your competitors for absolute success. Good luck!


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