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How to choose the right Android app development company?

Android operating system (OS) is the world’s most widely used operating system. It has an OS market share of around 41.61 percent and a population share of 48.22 percent which amounts to around 3.9 billion Android smartphone users around the globe.

With such a huge share of the market, the Android OS is an indisputable leader. The large number of Android-powered devices also creates a viable market for Android apps, thereby making mobile app development in this niche a profitable venture.

If you are planning to launch an Android app, you are headed in the right direction. However, selecting the right Android development company is a crucial step in this journey. The success of your development project and the caliber of your app will depend on this pivotal step.

In today’s blog piece, we will help you with the same. If you are new to app development, this blog will guide you and help you make a smart choice. Consider all the factors discussed here and choose the best Android app development company for your next project.

Suggested Read: Android vs iOS: Mobile Operating System market share statistics you must know

In this blog

  1. Android app development: An introduction
  2. Key parameters to consider before Android app development
  3. How to choose the right Android app development company?
  4. AppMySite – the best Android app development company alternative

Android app development: An introduction

Android app

Android app development is the process of creating Android apps that are primarily meant to be published on the Google Play Store. Native Android apps are developed using programming languages like Kotlin, Java, and C++. Developers also use Android Studio, Google’s official IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

Cross-platform technologies, low-code solutions, and no-code Android app builders like AppMySite are also used for creating Android apps.

Thus, an Android app development company can be described as an organization that focuses on creating and delivering programs and applications for the Android operating system. A typical Android app development company offers the following services and solutions:

  • Providing guidance and advice on best practices, technology, research, and strategies for developing and scaling Android apps.
  • Developing unique Android apps based on the specifications provided by the customer.
  • Designing prototypes, MVPs (Minimum Viable Products), and user interfaces and experiences for full-fledged apps.
  • Identifying and fixing app bugs and issues through extensive testing, guaranteeing the reliability and security of the Android apps.
  • Maintaining Android apps to ensure they work with the newest OS releases and take care of any issues that may occur later.
  • Assisting customers with post-development updates, ASO, and other maintenance services.

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Key parameters to consider before Android app development

The right Android app development company can make your job easier and enable you to create applications that contribute to your success and growth. However, there are some parameters you must consider before hiring. Go through the points listed below and learn more:

Knowledge and experience

Experienced companies have talented developers who know how to create Android apps. They are well-versed with the newest trends, best practices, and details of the Android platform. Their expertise and experience ensure that your project is in safe hands. Thus, you must make sure that the developers or team handling your project are equipped to do so.

Fast delivery

Developing an application on your own may take time and that often leads to overutilization of resources. A dedicated Android development company completes your work within the provided deadline. Thus, you should look for a company that ensures fast delivery without any extra costs. Businesses trying to develop their apps within a short deadline to maintain their competitiveness in the market can benefit from such a platform.


The Android app development team you hire should not be exorbitant and wasteful. The company should be transparent about its regulations, operating procedures, and prices. Moreover, they should be skilled enough to avoid typical mistakes and problems that may require expensive repairs. The packages should be cost-effective and there must be varied options that suit all kinds of businesses.

Latest tech stack

Your ideal Android development company will keep up with the most recent frameworks, technologies, and tools available for creating mobile applications. This guarantees that the most up-to-date and effective techniques are used in the development of the apps. You can discuss this with the companies in your list and learn about the technologies used by them in app development. Find a company that adheres to the latest trends and technologies and ensure success.

Quality assurance

To ensure the reliability and quality of the application, companies follow the best industry practices and make their projects undergo rigorous testing. Dedicated quality assurance teams are frequently employed by development organizations to thoroughly test apps, find & resolve defects, and guarantee a positive user experience. The company you hire should have a reputation or a set benchmark for assuring the best quality apps.

Feedback implementation

Modifying an app according to your unique requirements can be challenging with the process of custom app development. Thus, the app development company you hire should know how to create a customized solution that matches your company’s requirements. They should be capable of using their technological expertise and creativity to develop special features and capabilities that can make your app stand out from the crowd.

How to choose the right Android app development company?

The success of your app development project widely depends on the company you hire. But how do you choose an Android development company that would be a perfect fit for your project? Find below:

Identify your project needs

Understanding all the details of your project is necessary before choosing an app development company. Conduct extensive research for your mobile app to clearly understand and convey your goals and objectives. Outline your app’s features, functionalities, and other key aspects that you wish to incorporate. This process will help you steer in the right direction and guide you in hiring a company as per your needs and business goals.

Evaluate company portfolio

One of the most important ways to ensure that the company is appropriate for you or not is to evaluate its portfolio. An impressive and diverse portfolio shows that an organization can manage a range of tasks. The past projects accomplished by the company can give you a strong idea of the company’s caliber and help you understand whether it is most suitable for your project or not.

Assess the development techniques

How the company approaches an app development project tells a lot about its efficiency. Discuss and find out how they handle testing, project management, and quality standards. Find a company with a reliable team that is familiar with the latest trending methods and technologies in app design and development. Make sure your expectations and preferences match the company’s development procedures and they are open to implementing suggestions and ideas.  

Go through reviews and testimonials

Every company tries to prove its worth by calling itself the best among its peers. This is where client reviews and testimonials come in handy. Prior client testimonials and reviews can give insights into the working culture and provide information about the company at large. Look for reviews that hint at client satisfaction and struggles, product quality and scalability, development and management processes, costs and delivery timelines, post-launch support, and more.

Ensure communication and transparency

A successful partnership requires effective communication and transparency between partners. From budget to delivery timelines, terms of services, and other related factors, the hired company should be transparent about its procedures and policies. Find a company that maintains communication with you throughout the project. Also, be clear about your own requirements and make sure the company adheres to them.

Prioritize long-term support and maintenance

A done-and-dusted approach does not work when it comes to app development. Think about your project from a long-term viewpoint as app development, update, and maintenance are critical for the success of any app. Only subscribe to an app development team or company that ensures post-development support and maintenance. They should be open to any changes and improvements in the future. Build a robust partnership that helps you scale your app as your business grows.

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AppMySite – the best Android app development company alternative

Wondering how to create an app without going through the hassles of finding an app development company?

While development companies can be helpful for businesses seeking Android app development services, it is not easy to find one that ticks all the boxes. The process of identifying and hiring a company can be tiring and tricky. So, what is the alternative?

The answer is AppMySite.

AppMySite’s no-code app builder is the perfect solution for businesses that are not capable of in-house development but want to create apps on their own without coding. This no-code app builder enables you to create your own app in minutes even without any prior experience.

From design to development, deployment, and updates, everything can be managed under one roof. All it takes is some point-and-click actions to design the app and add advanced features like monetization, push notifications, and so on.

AppMySite frees you from the hassle of hiring an app development team or company and still enables you to create apps without any time and budget constraints. Hard to believe? Try the platform for free and experience app development like never before.


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