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4 stats that will convince you to create an app for your WooCommerce store

The extensive growth and expansion witnessed by the e-commerce industry in the last decade has re-written the rules of business. Although the dust hasn’t even begun to settle yet, e-commerce is already paving way for m-commerce, or online shopping via smartphones. Retailers and business owners need to adequately prepare for this next wave of disruption in the business world and know exactly how customer behaviour and choices are changing. Here’s taking a look at 4 critical statistics that will make you consider creating an app for woocommerce website:

a. 62%

The biggest and the most important difference between the two platforms is the type of end product delivered. AppMySite builds a native app for every website from scratch, whereas online app builders offer a disjointed hybrid app, at best. Even a simple search of the two terms will indicate that the former provides users a smooth, glitch-free, and immersive experience, as compared to the latter. Even an individual with no technical expertise can tell that creating something from the ground up is better than using a cookie-cutter approach.

b. 10 Billion

Nearly 10 billion mobile connected devices are estimated to be in use currently. Just imagine all the readily-available points of connection that online businesses have to promote and market their products. Further, it has been predicted by experts that mobile users will increasingly consider their smartphones as the primary device for online shopping. This is great news for businesses, as studies have shown that when using a mobile phone, people are likely to spend twice as much as when using a laptop, desktop, or a tablet while shopping online.

c. 80%

Almost 8 in 10 shoppers use a mobile phone while shopping in a brick-and-mortar store to check product reviews, compare product prices, and find the best deals. This indicates that the modern shopper is aware and cannot be taken for granted. To retain customers and cultivate customer loyalty, simply rolling out offers is no longer enough – but communicating them effectively is also equally important. Using an app for woocommerce, you can engage customers with the best offers and deals, and use in-app promotions or push notifications to communicate directly with them.

d. 53%

More than half (53%) of the smartphone and tablet owners prefer to shop using company-specific mobile apps from the app store. In other words, customers want an assurance of originality and quality from your business even when they are shopping online and failing to provide them with an official app for your WooCommerce store is a lost business opportunity. Furthermore, a dedicated mobile app for your online store will serve as an authentic and reliable source of information for new offers, products, and announcements.

AppMySite is a dedicated online app builder that creates an app for woocommerce and wordpress websites. Get in touch with us to know how your online store can benefit with a native, feature-rich, and responsive mobile app.


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