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Best tools for iOS app development

Have you ever wondered what iOS app development entails? It’s more than just creating apps for iPhones and iPads. It is a dynamic process that requires the right set of tools and expertise.

iOS app development tools encompass a suite of software resources empowering developers to design, code, test, and deploy iOS applications seamlessly. From programming languages like Swift and Objective-C to robust IDEs such as Xcode, these tools form the backbone of app creation. 

We have compiled a list of all such iOS app development tools that will end your quest. Explore the best tools for iOS app development and maintenance and pick the ones that align with your app development goals and vision. 

In this blog

Top 7 iOS app development and maintenance tools ​

  1. AppMySite ​
  2. AppCode ​
  3. Applyzer ​
  4. CocoaPods ​
  5. Simulator ​
  6. Xcode ​
  7. Transporter ​

Frequently asked questions ​

Top 7 iOS app development and maintenance tools

Tools for iOS app development

It is well known that Android rules the mobile OS (Operating System) market when it comes to user strength. However, despite catering to a specific niche, the iOS user base beats Android in several developed countries like the USA and Canada. iOS apps also generate more revenue than Android apps.

Therefore, we can safely assume that investing in iOS mobile app development can be a profitable venture. All you need is the right set of tools. So, stay tuned and discover the list of the top seven iOS app development tools for 2024:


AppMySite is a revolutionary no-code app builder platform. With its code-free iPhone app maker, users can quickly and easily create their own iOS apps. It eliminates all the grunt work associated with traditional app development and enables you to build aesthetic and feature-rich iPhone applications that can propel your business to unprecedented heights.

The intuitive dashboard streamlines and simplifies the otherwise complicated process of designing, developing, and deploying the app. It guides you through every step, allowing you to work in a completely DIY and beginner-friendly environment. From designing icons to personalizing the app’s content, features, and screens, you can accomplish it all with simple point-and-click options.

Users that have a website can easily integrate with the app and auto populate all the content in a jiffy. AppMySite handles all the labor-intensive tasks under the hood and allows you to enjoy the process of hassle-free app creation. It is one of the best iOS app development tools, as it lets you design and build your apps for free. You can pay to upgrade only when you are ready to launch your app on the Apple App Store. 

Key Features 

  • Effortless app creation: Let’s you turn any idea into an app within minutes. Fully no-code platform that allows anyone to build and launch their own app store-compliant apps.
  • Rapid iOS development: AppMySite’s services are focused on simplicity, speed, and quality which enables the developers to create an iOS app for their users in only a few minutes.
  • Live preview: Comes with live preview emulators that let you preview your project on live screens and create flawless apps before making any financial commitments.
  • Advanced features: Offers endless feature support like Deep integration with WordPress & WooCommerce, push notifications, analytics, monetization, agency white-labeling, etc.
  • Publish support: From development to deployment, AppMySite helps you at every stage. Auto publish feature makes it easy to release new versions and keep the app updated.


JetBrains’ AppCode is a robust iOS app development tool that uses the IntelliJ IDEA platform. It supports numerous programming languages, including Objective-C, Swift, C++, and JavaScript. AppCode is invaluable for developers who are trained to use it for project management. 

It simplifies code writing and inspection by leveraging deep knowledge of a specific language and its code style. AppCode constantly monitors the quality of your code and warns you of errors. It also suggests quick fixes to resolve them automatically.

Key Features

  • Multi-language support: AppCode is a very useful tool for developers who work on different versions. It comes with languages including programming languages such as JavaScript, XML, HTML, and CSS.
  • Intelligent code assistance: Smart code assistance follows and supports you, which results in higher productivity. This enables you to plan and create the workflow (input/output).
  • Built-in tools and integrations: You can streamline the process of development for yourself with user-friendly tools and a smooth connection that lets you run, test, and debug functionalities of your applications on the IDE itself.


While Applyzer is not essentially an app development tool, it can help developers, marketers, investors, and publishers with ASO (App Store Optimization) and detailed app insights. It enables you to optimize your App Store listing and gain visibility and traction on your app.

It has a user-friendly interface that allows you to data back decisions for your apps’ growth. The keyword editor tool performs keyword searches within in-app content and gives insights that can increase your keyword efficacy. Uncapped keywords and data tracking keep you aware of the latest trends and help you stay relevant amidst competition.

Key Features

  • Hourly app insights: The platform gives you hourly app performance indicators that help you stay aligned with the latest trends. Share of Voice figures indicates your app’s visibility across relevant keywords compared to your top competitors.
  • Competitor keyword analysis: You can point out the main keywords your competitors use to refine your app’s visibility and discoverability. Thus, you will discover the keywords that your customers are most likely to search for.
  • Customizable alerts: The platform allows you to set personalized alerts and stay informed about key changes in an app’s ranking. You can act timely and implement some alterations to ensure better app performance.


Cocoapods is a package dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift projects, the languages used to make applications for the Apple ecosystem. It simplifies the process of integrating third-party libraries and frameworks into Xcode projects.

The platform is also a coding hub that lets you share your code with other people. This allows coders to make use of existing and available resources, thus saving precious time and effort. As per claims, CocoaPods has over 99 thousand libraries and is used in over 3 million apps. 

Key Features

  • Easy installation: Once the dependencies are declared in the Podfile, the platform handles the process of downloading and installing them. Thus, it ensures compatibility and manages version conflicts.
  • Version control integration: The platform integrates with version control systems like Git which allows developers to track changes to the Podfile and the installed dependencies.
  • Community support: The platform has a large community of developers. They are highly active and contribute to the ecosystem by building and maintaining open-source libraries.


The Simulator is an Xcode tool that belongs to the Apple ecosystem. It allows developers to simulate the behavior of iOS and other Apple devices on their MAC systems. It is used to test and debug applications without downloading them on actual devices.

From touch gestures to gyroscope, GPS, location, camera, and microphone, you can simulate various hardware features for testing your app. The platform also allows you to choose from different iOS versions. This ensures that your app is compatible across multiple iOS versions and devices.

Key Features

  • Multi-platform interaction: The simulator allows you to replicate all types of iOS devices and test your app’s features and functionalities across them. This ensures that your users get a consistent experience across all formats.
  • Testing & debugging: It simplifies and streamlines your debugging process of apps. The efficient toolset covers all essential functions needed to test and debug apps against a myriad of cases.
  • Customized environment settings: Developers can customize their environment by adjusting settings related to various parameters such as language, region, accessibility, and more. This makes tests more efficient and ensures that the app is accessible to all kinds of audiences.


Xcode is Apple’s official IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It enables developers to build applications and software for iOS, macOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It comes with a suite of advanced tools for writing, testing, debugging, and deploying applications.

The platform streamlines the entire development process and makes it faster and easier. The powerful code editor comes with advanced features that make it easy to write code. From building interactive interfaces to configuring UI elements, the platform simplifies it all.

Key Features

  • Graphical Interface Design: Xcode lets you design apps, using dual interfaces, without the need for coding. This ensures ease of application design and maximizes creativity.
  • App distribution: The platform provides all the tools for building, signing, and distributing apps to the App Store.
  • Comprehensive documentation: Xcode ensures high-quality documentation for developers. They get extensive guides and resources that enable them to implement the best practices for developing their apps. 


Transporter is yet another tool by Apple that facilitates the uploading of apps and managing them. Thus, it aids developers in distributing apps, music, TV shows, movies, or books effortlessly across various Apple platforms like the App Store, Apple Music, Apple Books, or iTunes Store.

The platform supports bulk uploading of app binaries, metadata, screenshots, app previews, icons, and other assets required for an optimized app listing. It also enables developers and publishers to manage metadata of the app such as app description, keyword, pricing, localization, and so on.

Key Features

  • Effortless content transfer: Transporter makes uploading and app listing convenient. It supports asset delivery such as app icons, images, videos, etc., to the App Store Connect platform.
  • Validation and verification: The tool saves your time and prevents your app from possible rejections by validating and verifying it. It checks the files to ensure that they meet Apple’s guidelines and specifications.
  • Localization support: Transporter allows developers to modify and localize their app’s assets and metadata to make it relevant for varied regions and languages. This makes the application relevant and useful for all kinds of audiences.

Wrapping Up

Mobile application markets are expected to grow by leaps and bounds globally, which depicts a bright future for the iOS app development industry. However, the modern-day creation of apps requires emerging technologies, such as AppMySite, Xcode, CocoaPods, and Figma, to excel in such a competitive market. 

AppMySite, for instance, enables you to easily build an app. It comes with convenient and quick tools that let you create an app from scratch or even convert your website into apps. From design to development and deployment, the platform makes it a seamless process. You can launch aesthetic and high-performing apps on the app stores and maintain them with minimal effort.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I develop an iOS app?

iOS app development is an intricate process. If you are aware of coding and other technical aspects of development, you can develop your app using frameworks and platforms like Xcode, Flutter, Ionic, and so on. However, if you are a beginner or someone who wants to create an app easily without coding, then go with a no-code and instant app builder like AppMySite.

Is it profitable to invest in iOS app development?

There are more than 2 billion Apple devices active worldwide. Besides, around 18 percent of Android users have migrated to iOS. These numbers go on to show that Apple’s popularity is continuously rising. Thus, investing in iOS app development can be highly profitable. Select an affordable platform that aligns with your development goals and offers a smooth and easy environment.

Can I build an iOS app without writing any code?

You can build your iOS app without coding with AppMySite’s free no-code app creator. It is one of the best iOS app development tools for beginners or developers who want to create apps in minutes. It comes with an intuitive dashboard where you can design and develop your app like a pro. Reduce your time to market and launch premium Android and iOS apps that inspire conversions.


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