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AppMySite – The ultimate alternative to AppMachine

Mobile apps have become the bread and butter for many. Apps are powering businesses and connecting them with potential customers across the globe. If you too have been wondering how to build an app without learning coding or hiring app developers, then code-free app builders are the answer.

AppMySite and AppMachine are the two code-free DIY app builders that can bring you a step closer to your dream of building a mobile app. If you have already explored AppMachine and want a suitable alternative, this blog piece is for you. Even if you are new to the concept of no-code app creators, stay tuned and learn all that you need to know.

Discover how AppMySite and AppMachine stand against each other. Explore the features and advantages AppMySite has to offer over other DIY app builders and make an informed choice for your next mobile app development project. Let us get started!

In this blog

  1. AppMachine: Create native and web apps
  2. AppMySite: Build apps in minutes without coding
  3. Why choose AppMySite over AppMachine?
  1. Frequently asked questions

AppMachine: Create native and web apps

AppMachine is a platform that enables you to create web apps and native apps for iOS and Android. It was founded in 2011 but officially launched in June 2013. The company has its headquarters in Leeuwarden, a city in the North of the Netherlands, known as Fryslan Valley.

As the company claims, AppMachine is used by customers in over 140 countries. Here, customers can build their apps with a stack-like approach. The blocks can be pieced together to create apps as desired.

AppMachine’s pricing plans start at $15 per month.

AppMySite: Build apps in minutes without coding

AppMySite came into play with a clear mission i.e., the democratization of app development. It has imparted new dynamics to code-free app development and challenged the belief that one needs to learn coding mandatorily or spend a fortune to get a feature-rich and highly functional app.

Anyone, with or without any prior experience, can create apps on AppMySite. If you have a website, you can turn it into an app in a few easy steps. Else, you can build an app out of nothing and turn your idea into a reality in only a few minutes.

This efficient and one of the easiest-to-use app builders is a complete package and has a suite of features to offer. This includes support for multiple languages, chat software, automated app deployment, and more. As an AppMachine alternative, it is an ideal solution for businesses looking for a sustainable way to develop a mobile app.

Why choose AppMySite over AppMachine?

AppMySite vs AppMachine

The app builder you choose must meet the global standards in development and ensure a smooth and frictionless experience. There is a profusion of no-code mobile app creators in the market today and it becomes difficult to choose one among a myriad of options.

However, we recommend you try AppMySite once and watch your app project come to life. It is one of the best app builders that allows you to find the perfect balance between budget and offerings and create premium and feature-rich apps.

Notably, AppMySite has several benefits and merits to offer. Go through them below and learn why it is the best alternative to any no-code mobile app development solution:

Custom app development from scratch

AppMySite comes with an in-built CMS or content management system. This enables you to create an app out of nothing and scale it as you want. All you need is an app idea, and you can turn it into a reality with AppMySite. You can add unlimited pages to your app and create posts to showcase and highlight your content. Also, segment and organize your content using features like categories and tags.

Apps for any website

AppMySite’s no-code app builder eliminates all the hard work and makes app development super simple. If you already have a website, you can use it as a resource to build your app. Simply turn it into an app for Android and iOS users and launch it on the app stores. Import your website’s content and settings to the app and save hours’ worth of effort. Go from website to app in minutes and reach your mobile-friendly users.

White-label solution for agencies

AppMySite is equally suitable for large-scale commercial use as it is for small businesses. It comes with a white label agency solution that allows you to resell the app builder under your own brand name. In simple words, you can scale or start an app development business of your own from scratch. Simply customize and rebrand the app builder and offer it to your clients. Extend app development services with zero hassle and grow your revenue.

WordPress & WooCommerce deep integration

AppMySite is the most ideal and wholesome app builder for WordPress and WooCommerce website owners. It not only offers deep integration with your WordPress and WooCommerce websites but also supports a ton of features that are centric to the CMS platform. Start a mobile app store powered by your WooCommerce site or create WordPress apps as powerful as your website and offer a consistent browsing experience.

Custom taxonomy and posts

Custom taxonomy and posts are WordPress-centric features. They enable users to add custom functionalities to their site and build niche-specific websites like directory or listing websites, dating websites, etc. AppMySite offers complete support for custom taxonomies and posts. You can essentially sync different content types to the app and create all kinds of WordPress-powered apps.

Website-app real-time sync

AppMySite offers this amazing real-time website sync feature that enables users to keep their app always updated and aligned with their website. Thus, the app can be shaped and managed using your website’s admin panel. It also implies that all the content changes made to the website get reflected in the app in real-time. Thus, your website and app remain in complete harmony and your users enjoy a smooth experience across channels.

Easy design and personalization

Adhering to your brand theme and guidelines across all platforms is the sure-shot way to ensure that customers easily recognize your brand and interact with it. AppMySite offers plenty of personalization options that allow you to design your app effortlessly. You can design your app like a professional and create easily navigable interfaces and captivating screens. All it takes is a few point-and-click toggle buttons that work like magic.

Realtime app preview

Imagine spending all that time developing your app and then realizing that something does not work for you. Going back and correcting it or re-doing the entire process can be a nightmare. Ergo, AppMySite offers a smart preview feature that eliminates the room for flaws. This means that all the developmental and design changes you make to the app can be previewed in real time on smart Android and iOS screen emulators.

Content analytics

It is important to track your app’s progress and engagement to make data-backed decisions. AppMySite takes app analytics beyond the basics and lets you measure the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) related to your app’s content. Thus, it lets you identify your most popular blog posts, products, screens, keywords, and more. This allows you to work on your core assets and enhance them for higher traction and revenue.

Push notifications

It is almost impossible to imagine apps and keep push notifications out of the picture. Push messages have become the simplest means to communicate with your users, power your marketing efforts, and amplify your engagement. AppMySite comes with built-in support for sending, segmenting, and scheduling push notifications. Configure and send push notifications with minimal effort and stay connected with your app users. 

In-app chat

Chatbots are the future of business. In fact, most businesses have already started leveraging the benefits of chat features in some way or the other. Adding a one-click chat button in your app allows you to capture and qualify more leads and extend easy support to your potential and existing customers. With AppMySite, it becomes easy to configure and add a chat option within your app. You can integrate a chat software of your choice and offer in-app support to users.


It becomes easy to make money with apps when you have a robust monetization strategy in place. With AppMySite, you can effortlessly monetize your app with the best global ad networks like AdMob. Place ads on your preferred screens in the most viable formats and make the most of the opportunities. Stream relevant and high-potential ads and earn additional revenue without any hard work.

Auto-publish apps

Creating an app is just half the battle. The real challenge lies in getting the apps through the review process and pushing them live on the app stores. This is especially true for the Apple App Store which is quite stringent. However, AppMySite makes this process easier for you with its exceptional support including manual assistance and detailed tutorials. It also has this feature where you can push iOS app updates automatically without much ado.

Code-version updates

From bug fixes to feature additions, updates play a vital role in keeping the app highly functional and trendy. It also works in the favor of the app’s ranking and visibility. AppMySite regularly rolls out such app version updates. Additionally, customers can also make changes to their app (add new icon, new screen, etc.), and push updates to make the changes available for their end-users.

Unlimited app downloads

Many DIY app builders ration the number of downloads that apps built on their platform can earn. However, AppMySite doesn’t impose any such limitation or commission on app download volume. Once the app is live, your app can earn as many downloads as it attracts. This makes AppMySite suitable for scalability and growth. You can build premium Android and iOS apps and endorse them to get unlimited downloads and engagement.

Overall ease of use

AppMySite has been designed keeping user-friendliness and convenience in mind. Thus, it lives up to these parameters like no other app creator. It is ideal for website owners who want to convert their site to an app. At the same time, it is also suitable for businesses that want to create a solution from scratch. In a nutshell, AppMySite is one of the easiest and most viable app builders that lets you create all kinds of apps in a seamless DIY environment. 


AppMySite and AppMachine are reliable platforms for creating apps in a code-free environment. Both are feature-rich and appealing in their own way and can power you to create awesome high-functioning apps for your business.

There are various AppMachine competitors you can turn to while looking for a no-code alternative, and AppMySite is one of them. It is a great solution for individuals, businesses, organizations as well as agencies seeking a reliable white label app builder solution.

You can explore the platform and create an app that matches your vision and purpose. Consider all the features discussed above and find a solution that aligns with your business goal, budget, and more.

Frequently asked questions

Why should I choose AppMySite?

AppMySite is one of the best no-code app builders in the market. While some app builders make app development easy, others offer a range of features and integrations. However, AppMySite offers the best of all worlds under one roof. Whether you want to create an app from scratch or turn your existing website into a mobile app, it only takes a few minutes with our intuitive app builder. With a range of product and pricing options to choose from, AppMySite emerges as the best DIY app creator that you can choose for all kinds of app development projects.

What is the best alternative to AppMachine?

AppMySite is the best no-code alternative to AppMachine. Here, you can build the app of your dreams in only a few minutes. Unlike run-of-the-mill app builders that limit your creativity with fixed templates, AppMySite lets your imagination run free. You can easily build any kind of app and turn your vision into reality. If you have tried a few app builders and are worn out, do try AppMySite once. Pick the product that suits your goals and launch premium and feature-rich apps for your business.

Can I migrate from AppMachine to AppMySite?

AppMySite allows you to seamlessly migrate from any other platform. If your app is already listed and live on Google Play and Apple App Stores you can bring it on AppMySite and give it an uplift. Just get on board AppMySite and follow the due process of app development. Enter the details related to your app build that is listed on the stores as you proceed to publish the app. That’s it! Your current app listing will get replaced with a new one and your users will be able to see the new version upon updating the app. 


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