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Spice up your food blogging business with a premium WordPress mobile app

Blogging is an amazing medium for staging your power of writing and conceptualizing things. Food blogging, especially, has become quite a vogue and developed as a full-fledged profession.

The new-age tools have further amplified and aided the food blogging industry, making it a big hit. The advent of social media platforms has also opened up many new avenues for the passionate food bloggers.

Another such revolutionary tool that is empowering bloggers across the globe, is the mobile app. The mobile app technology is helping bloggers in setting up their own blogging business and earning revenue.

They are easily creating business apps with a mobile app builder for WordPress without coding and establishing themselves as a brand. Keep reading further and discover how you can achieve the same for your food blogging endeavors.

Apps are the new age address of food blogs

Whether food blogging is your full-time profession or just a hobby that grew into a passion, apps have the potential to propel it towards growth. In fact, in this day and age, the world is turning mobile and apps have become the go-to source for any requirement.

All the businesses, institutions, retail setups and even service providers are making efforts to join the mCommerce league and make their mark in the mobile market. Content creators and bloggers have also understood the need of the hour and are molding themselves accordingly.

Apps can have a number of advantages over websites for your food blogging business. Some related factors worth consideration are as listed below:

  • Apps promote brand loyalty and users don’t abandon or switch platforms frequently
  • Apps do not suffer the ‘buy and bye’ setback as users keep returning for more
  • Mobile apps allow instant access and ease of usability, thereby multiplying consumption
  • New food blog and recipe apps are getting added to the stores each day
  • The mobile market for food blogging is growing in leaps and bound
  • It is easier to serve and market content with apps as compared to websites
  • People spend more time and money on apps and aid higher revenues
  • Apps attract more user engagement and enhance brand recognition

Owing to these reasons, and many more, we can assure you that mobile apps have become the most bankable investment for brands and businesses, and for bloggers as well.

A to Z of a successful food blogging app

If you are dedicated towards your passion of food blogging and aim to setup a full-fledged mobile business, you must move ahead with a clear blue print and a strong strategy. Incorporate all the significant elements of a robust mobile app blogging business and taste success in no time.

Let us uncover the best tips and tricks one by one:

1. Sort your business goals & target audience

Before you proceed to provide your readers with an exotic app, you should set some objectives for yourself first. Determine what you wish to achieve as a business, and proceed accordingly. Also find your target audience as they greatly influence your business decisions.

For instance, you must sort out whether you only want to supply food blogging content or complement it with a recipe section. You can also add a section where you review cuisines and restaurants. If you wish to build a revenue channel, you can also set up a store and sell e-books, subscriptions or other commodities.

2. Find your Unique Selling Proposition

Once you have identified your goals, the next step is to find an USP. It can be something that your existing customers already love about you, something related to your expertise, or an idea that you believe is different, and has the potential to generate outstanding results upon execution. Emphasize on this idea as you curate your content and your marketing campaigns.

A vanilla blog app layout is not going to attract enough eye-balls so always think out of the box. For example, you can also add the list of ingredients and the recipe of the dish while critiquing it. Else, you can impart knowledge about the cultural and historical importance of various cuisines and dishes, and so on.

3. Think of a tempting app name

A good app name has advantages you cannot even think of. While a catchy name can hook visitors and tempt them to download your app, an unattractive name can turn them off, despite all that goodness within your app. Hence, think of a quirky app name that upholds the identity of your brand.

The name of your app can also influence the visibility, ranking and likeability of your app. So do some hard work and research for the best options. Conduct some A/B testing and see which names people liked the most and were able to relate with your brand. Finalize that name and spin your brand identity around it.

4. Enrich the functional & visual appeal

You are well aware that content and visuals play a great role in the world of blogging. If the pictures are not good, and the captions and copies are not convincing enough, people will stop following your blogs. The same goes with apps as the functional and visual appeal play a strong role in its success.

Therefore, look for the best themes, find the most appealing color schemes, and design the best layout for your app. Clearly list all the categories and highlight the Call to Action buttons well within the app. Add images, catalogs, and enrich it with various creative elements. It will increase your app engagements and boost conversions.

5. Add a dash of personalization  

Every app user and blog reader has his own list of expectations and requirements. It is obviously not possible to address all the expectations but you can cover up by personalizing the content and the marketing messages. Track the activity of your users and suggest content accordingly.

You can also list distinct categories to ensure frictionless navigation for such customers. Have separate sections for diet food & nutritional dishes, vegan dishes, different cuisines, recipes, restaurant reviews, local eat-out suggestions, and so on and so forth. The ultimate aim is to ease and uplift their app experience.

6. Establish a revenue channel

Having an app can boost your brand recognition and increase its reach. Besides providing the ease and comfort to your readers, it should also multiply your business prospects and provide you with an opportunity to earn. You can choose your very own app monetization technique and earn revenue or even sell related products on your app.

Besides the traditional methods, you can also go for affiliate marketing and partner with other people in the food industry. You can easily attract food brands, restaurants, etc., and do paid promotions or reviews for them. You can also break the monotony and invite other bloggers for a podcast or a joint venture. However, in any case, keep the authenticity and image of your brand intact.

Make the app visually appealing

7. Integrate marketing & publicity tools

People buy what they see! Keep this golden rule of marketing in your mind and proceed accordingly. Integrate communication and marketing tools in your app to channelize your publicity. For instance, when you build app with AppMySite, you get social media integration and a push notification dashboard for free.

Using these tools, you can regularly communicate with your readers and consumers, and market your content across various platforms. Use notifications to send offers, new content and campaign updates, etc. Also encourage your readers to share your content in their circle and on the social media platforms. Promote your app vigorously and reach as many people as you can.

Accomplish it the most hassle-free way!

This was our brief tour guide about developing your food blogging hobby into a full-fledged mobile app-based business. If you are intrigued by the ideas, have set your business goals, and are ready to venture out, there is no reason to wait anymore.

You can go for the custom restaurant application development but that can be really laborious and draining. In order to optimize your efforts and investment, you should opt for the more modern and new age DIY techniques.

These techniques are faster, easier and smarter, and do not burn a hole in your pocket. Sign up for AppMySite and create android and iOS app for WordPress website without any hassle. It comes with a range of features and in-built marketing tools that make content sharing and promotion easy.

Turn your food blogging site into an app and attract the mobile loving consumers with ease. Multiply your chances of growth and empower your business prospects by venturing into mCommerce. Build app for your consumers and keep adding more savories into their lives without any break!


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