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What is enterprise application development? Complete guide for 2024

We have been discussing consumer apps in this space for the longest time. These apps are usually meant to solve consumer issues and cater to individual needs. However, today we will transcend and discuss enterprise applications and business application development.

Enterprise apps are created to solve complex business problems and are typically meant for businesses and large corporations. Here, we have covered almost every aspect of enterprise application development.

This blog piece will give you a clear insight into the topic and enable you to get a head start if you plan to launch enterprise-level apps. Whether you are an individual developer or planning to offer enterprise application development services, continue reading and get holistic answers.

In this blog

  1. Enterprise application development: Global market statistics
  2. What are enterprise applications: Definition and types
  3. Benefits of enterprise application development
  4. Factors to consider before developing enterprise applications
  5. How to develop enterprise mobile apps?
  6. How can white label app builders help with enterprise app development?
  7. Frequently asked questions

Enterprise application development: Global market statistics

Enterprise application market size


Let us start by uncovering some statistics and numbers and understanding how big the enterprise software development market is. Go through the facts and stats listed below and know for yourself:

  • In the year 2020, the global enterprise application market was valued at 238.36 billion US dollars.
  • The enterprise application market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.2 percent between 2021 to 2030, reaching a value of 527.40 billion US dollars by 2030.
  • In 2023, revenue in the enterprise software market is projected to reach 271.8 billion US dollars.
  • In 2023, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software dominated the enterprise software market with an estimated volume of 79.40 billion US dollars.
  • The average ‘spend per employee’ in the enterprise software market is projected to reach 78.07 US dollars in 2023, showing that businesses are spending a great deal on such apps.
  • The United States is leading when it comes to spending on enterprise applications development. The spending is estimated to reach 139 billion US dollars in 2023.
  • By 2025, up to 70 percent of new enterprise applications will be built using low-code and no-code development platforms.
  • Around 80 percent of enterprise apps and software used by organizations will be built by employees outside the traditional IT department, thus indicating an increase in citizen development.

These statistics show that the enterprise application market is steadily growing. Therefore, we can say that it is a viable idea to launch an enterprise mobile application development company, and it is worth all the investment and effort. 

What are enterprise applications: Definition and types

Now that you know how promising the enterprise app industry is, let us now start with the details. In this section, we will give you an overall picture and tell you what enterprise apps really are.

(Note that the term ‘enterprise applications’ is often used for any type of software. But for the sake of convenience, we will stick to mobile applications.)

Definition of enterprise apps

Enterprise apps are the commercial equivalent of consumer apps. While consumer apps are ideally meant for individual customers, enterprise applications are created to solve complex business problems and simplify business processes.

Similarly, enterprise application development can be defined as the process of creating applications for large-scale businesses. Such apps could be created to cater to the customized needs of a business or even for general commercial use.

For instance, enterprises may use such apps for various aspects of their business like – employee performance and pay tracking, customer support and relationship management, accounting, inventory management, human resource processes, and so on. The list is somewhat unfathomable as enterprise apps can be created for any goal.

It is noteworthy that sometimes apps originally meant for individual use can turn out to solve enterprise problems. For example, Facebook has evolved to become a sales, marketing, and communication solution for businesses.

Similarly, apps created for enterprise use can end up becoming popular among individual consumers. For example, video conferencing apps like Zoom and Meet are being used by individuals for doing video chats with their family and friends.

Nonetheless, the scope of enterprise apps runs far deeper than this. Their market is constantly growing as more and more businesses are adopting these technologies to automate, simplify, and enhance their operations and solutions.

Types of enterprise apps

Thanks to faster and more affordable technologies, businesses nowadays are investing in multiple apps for varied challenges and needs. As a result, there are endless types of enterprise apps available out there.

Clearly, it is not possible to list every kind of enterprise app. However, we have still tried to create a comprehensive list and give you a broad idea of the different kinds of enterprise apps you can create. Here it goes:

  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) app
  • Human resource management app
  • Employee attendance and pay tracking app
  • Business intelligence and automation app
  • Business processes management app
  • Marketing campaign automation app
  • Content distribution and management app
  • Customer support and service app
  • Database and portfolio management app
  • Supply chain management app
  • Billing and payment automation app
  • Collaboration and communication app

These are some of the many examples. As a developer or business owner, you can also create any kind of enterprise app to solve your customized need or business goal. You can look for some inspiration and use it to shape your own enterprise app idea. 

Benefits of enterprise application development

Enterprise apps can help businesses in multiple ways. Similarly, it helps developers and development companies or agencies in increasing their business and revenue. Therefore, whether you are creating enterprise apps for your own business or for your agency/company customers, it will prove beneficial either way. Let us discover the advantages in detail:

Benefits for developers and development agencies

Creating apps that help end users, customers, or small businesses, is great. However, such audiences are often scattered with varied needs. On the other hand, enterprise projects often come with large-scale commercial goals that are streamlined. This ensures more profits and the freedom to work in a streamlined and unified environment.

Moreover, unlike consumer apps, the enterprise app development industry is not as competitive and saturated. Not every agency has the capacity, confidence, and means to take up large-scale development projects. Therefore, if you become an enterprise app developer, you can make more profits than several of your competitors.

Benefits for businesses, companies, and enterprises

Enterprise apps ensure endless advantages for businesses and large-scale organizations. From streamlining the business to reducing organization silos and solving operational challenges, it can benefit businesses in many ways.

In general, investing in enterprise apps can benefit businesses in the following ways:

  • Enhance staff and operational efficiency
  • Automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows
  • Expedite operations and increase productivity
  • Simplify project planning and information sharing
  • Manage and track employee performance
  • Optimize customer relations and management
  • Reduce backlogs and shorten turnaround times
  • Gather actionable data and performance metrics

As evident, enterprise apps can benefit businesses in several ways. Moreover, it can help them with automation and expansion, and enhance employee-administration and business-customer relationships.

All these advantages together contribute to a seamless operation and the overall growth of the business. This leads to better revenue, positive performance reports, and stronger brand image and customer loyalty. 

Factors to consider before developing enterprise applications

There are several enterprise app development services in the market. However, in order to stand out, you must be thorough with your research and groundwork.

Before you get into the process of development, you should make a list of considerable factors that might shape and influence your app development journey. Do not worry! We have you covered.

Here are some of the factors that you must consider before you start developing enterprise apps:

Project goals and end-user needs  

What will be the scope of your enterprise mobile app development agency? What are the actual goals of your project? Who will be the immediate customer of the app and what do they need? How will the app help and affect the end-users? How scalable will the project be?

These are some of the many questions that you should seek answers to. It will give you a clear picture of the upcoming goals and challenges and help you move forward in the right direction. Identify and discuss the scope of your project with the stakeholders and get them on the same page.

Cost and time of development

Most developers underestimate the significance of budgeting and planning. However, a true entrepreneur and businessperson knows the importance of cost estimation, planning, and other related factors. Allocating the right amount of time and resources to each stage of the development journey is crucial.

Try to estimate the same for your enterprise app development project. This will help you pick the best method and tools for app development. For instance, if you already have several deadlines, you will not be able to cater to your old and new customers with the same strength of workforce and you will need new and faster solutions.

You can also refer to our detailed guides on the cost of app development and the timeline of app development to know more.

Trends of the industry

Look out for what is new and trending in the enterprise app development industry and the enterprise application market as a whole. This will help you with your research and planning and give you a blueprint of the kind of app you should aim to develop. Ultimately, it will help you find the right resources and technology stack.

For instance, creating enterprise apps that are also suitable for individual customers is the general trend in the industry (For example: Zoom, Meet, etc.). Moreover, creating apps with low-code and no-code app development solutions is also the new normal in the world of mobile app development.  

How to develop enterprise mobile apps?

In general, you may have one of the following goals when it comes to enterprise application development:

  • Develop applications for your own business or enterprise
  • Develop enterprise apps for third-party clients and customers

No matter what your goal is, developing enterprise-level apps is no child’s play. However, thanks to new-age solutions it is not as herculean a task as it used to be. The advent of democratic solutions has made it significantly easier and more suitable.

This brings us to the question “How to develop enterprise applications?”. Well, there is no standard formula or technique for developing business applications. Each business is unique and so are their demands and needs.

However, there is still a route that you can follow once you have decided to take up enterprise mobile app development, either for yourself or for your customers. This will involve the following steps:

Step 1: Conduct market, competitor, and audience research

Start with studying the trends of the industry, the scope of the market, and other related factors. Keenly scrutinize the competitors to get inspiration from their successes and failures. Understand how a typical enterprise application development company operates.

Moreover, identify who your target audiences are and what are their aspirations. You can create customer personas to understand them better and communicate the same with your team. Remember, detailed market research is the key to a successful app development project.

Step 2: Document your needs, goals, and budget

Once you are thorough with your research, this part will become easier. List the goals of your app development project and assess the budget and resources for the same. This will also enable you to give a ballpark or even an exact figure to your stakeholders who are responsible for the budget allocation.

At this stage, you can also discuss the project requirements and create a basic outline of the app listing, the scope of design, features, etc., and the expertise and resources required to achieve the same.

You can also go on to create a wireframe, design mockup, or prototype of your app. Get feedback early on and avoid wasting your efforts and resources on trial and error.

Step 3: Find a reliable development solution or platform

Once you know what you want, you can go on to find a reliable app development team or platform. Whether creating apps for yourself or for your customers, this is the most crucial step in the entire process.

Even if you are creating apps on a professional level, you need not go the traditional route of custom app development. In fact, businesses across the globe are replacing their conventional systems with SaaS-based solutions.

Today, SaaS constitutes the largest segment in global IT spending. This is because readily available SaaS solutions, especially low-code and no-code platforms, simplify and fast-track software development and maintenance.

You can also look for a DIY app development solution and expedite your app development goals. Do not worry as more often than not such solutions come with an effortless development environment and are easy on the pockets.

Step 4: Develop your enterprise application

Once you have found a reliable solution, go on to create your app. Remember, the exact process of development will depend on your choice of method of app development. Once again, we would recommend you go with a no-code software development solution.

Start with UI/UX designing and assembling the designs, content, elements, and so on. Create your app and add the desired features and functionalities. Make sure to preview them and get feedback from your stakeholders to enhance it.

Step 5: Test and deploy your application

Once your app is ready, you can thoroughly test it and add finishing touches before deployment. Next, go ahead and submit the apps on the desired app stores (Google Play and Apple App Store) and optimize the listing.

Once your app is live, you can go on to promote it. However, if you are not doing this for your own business but for clients, you should lay special emphasis on your customer’s needs and feedback at every step of the development journey.

Create a dashboard and share your project with them. Else, invite them to preview and test the app at this stage to avoid any post-production errors. Keep an eye out for the changing demands and trends and incorporate them in your projects as suitable.

Suggested Read: How to create an app in 10 simple steps? Make an app without coding

How can white label app builders help with enterprise app development?

As discussed above, no-code and low-code technologies have become the go-to solution for businesses that want to create apps for themselves or their clients. Such platforms are often SaaS-based and come with a white label solution suitable for businesses.

Ideal white label app builders simplify and fast-track app development and make it affordable and accessible for all kinds of businesses. For instance, AppMySite app builder democratizes app development and makes it easy to achieve complicated and technically intensive goals in an effortless DIY environment.

A no-code app creator like AppMySite can help you create complicated and feature-rich apps within minutes, solving issues of project backlogs and delays. In fact, it empowers you to tackle all the challenges of traditional app development, such as:

  • Lack of talent and resources
  • Organizational silos and gaps
  • Time-consuming processes
  • Changing customer demands
  • Rapidly evolving technology, and so on.

AppMySite not only solves these challenges, but also makes the process really fast, easy, and frictionless. Moreover, it comes with a white label app development platform for agencies that further simplifies enterprise-scale app development and maintenance.

The best part is that you can experience the platform for free and then leverage its benefits. Either create white-label enterprise apps for your customers or simply offer them a DIY white-label platform where they create their own business apps. Offer enterprise app development services to all kinds of customers and grow your business without limits.

Without AppMySiteWith AppMySite
Hunt for reliable talent/agencyNo-code DIY app development
Costly packages with hidden pricingAffordable and upfront pricing
App delivery takes 6+ monthsCreate own apps within minutes
Communication silos and gapsInvite teams and clients to collaborate
Complicated app maintenanceLow to zero app maintenance

Suggested Read: Becoming a profitable AppMySite reseller: Who can leverage our white label software?

In conclusion

That was our complete guide to enterprise application development where we covered most of the factors associated with it. If you plan on catering to enterprises and large-scale businesses, SaaS-based no-code enterprise application development is the way to go. 

It will enable you to create enterprise apps or allow your clientele to create their own business apps without coding. You can opt for a code-free DIY Android and iOS app builder like AppMySite that supports development for consumer apps as well as enterprise apps.

Such a solution with a wide range of offerings will let you solve complex problems with ease and target a range of audiences and industries. It is fast, easy, and affordable, so you do not have to worry about these limitations. Just go on and create the apps you want!

Frequently asked questions

What is enterprise application development?

Enterprise application development can be defined as the process of creating solutions (apps) for accomplishing business needs and goals. Typically, such applications are created for medium to large-scale enterprises that need multiple solutions to handle and process all the data and information. Depending on the nature of the demand, the application could cover and enable management of any segment of the business such as operations, resource planning, customer relationships, employee relationships, and more.

What are some examples of enterprise mobile apps?

Some businesses prefer creating their own ecosystem and powering it with applications developed by them. On the other hand, several companies may also opt for readymade solutions. Some examples of enterprise apps available out there include Microsoft Office 365, Slack, Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, Dropbox, Zendesk, and so on. You can either leverage these existing solutions or go on to take inspiration and create your own enterprise apps.

What are the challenges of enterprise application development?

Creating enterprise apps can be challenging. It begins with identifying and understanding the scope of the application’s usefulness. Additionally, the process of creating such intricate apps can be complex, time-consuming, and financially draining. Moreover, one application may or may not solve the problems you want to address. Creating and managing multiple enterprise apps can also be challenging. Therefore, it is best to look for a comprehensive solution that enables you to combat these challenges.

What are some best enterprise app development companies and platforms?

The quest for finding the best enterprise mobile app development company will be unique for different businesses. This is because factors like your location, targeted market, demand for applications, etc., will affect this choice. Therefore, it is best to go with a cloud-based SaaS platform. Such platforms often simplify app development and make it accessible to all businesses, irrespective of their location and budget constraints.

How can I leverage enterprise app development for my agency?

You can offer enterprise app development solutions to your agency customers and increase your business and revenue potential. It is best to go with a no-code DIY white-label app development solution that enables your clientele, individuals, or businesses, to create their own apps. Else, expedite and simplify the process and mobilize your staff to build complex business apps. Grow your agency by increasing your potential and catering to the growing demands of enterprise apps. You can talk to our sales team to know more.


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