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Grow your online business with a WooCommerce mobile app builder

One of the biggest challenges that online store owners face is holding the attention of website visitors and customers in order to continually engage them. This can be however be accomplished by creating a mobile app that’s designed to deliver a smooth user experience on smartphones. Using a free app builder like AppMySite, you can create a powerful mobile app for your online store that can help you engage shoppers. Here are the benefits of converting your WooCommerce website into a mobile app:

1. Global reach

As your mobile app is downloaded and reviewed by more customers, your digital footprint will become stronger and you can take your business global. By promoting and optimising your app, you can tap into global markets relevant to your business. Several businesses have sky-rocketed and acquired international customers thanks to their mobile apps. By understanding your customers better, you can identify their tastes and preferences and make the necessary changes to your app. As a matter of fact, a quality WooCommerce app can be used as a potent marketing tool as well – more on that below.

2. Increased customer engagement

Mobile apps have proven to increase customer engagement levels. Browsing through products becomes easier with features like smart search, sorting by name or price, or applying custom filters. Furthermore, customers can place orders, make payments, check the status of their order, and alter billing or shipping information – all on the fly! Additionally, by analysing customer behaviour and choices, you can present hyper-personalised recommendations and suggestions to them, thus making the shopping experience more enjoyable. Lastly, since your customers will be able to access your online store on the go, they will naturally engage more frequently as compared to your website.

3. Effective marketing

A native WooCommerce app will help you make most of the hardware features like location and push notifications; you will be able to market your products to your customers much more effectively. The mobile app will serve as a direct and instant medium of communication between you and your shoppers, and every offer, discount, sale, and event can be immediately broadcast to them. More so, you can also add in-app marketing offers and promotions, and offer rewards and discounts in exchange for feedback, referrals, and social media endorsement.

4. In-sync mobile app

Using a WoooCommerce mobile app builder, like AppMySite, you can create a mobile app that is in-sync with your website. In other words, every time you update your website or make any changes to your products or categories, the same will be reflected in the app automatically. Most readily available free online app builders do not offer the functionality to update or edit the app once it has been published on the app stores. But with AppMySite, you can make as many changes to your online store as you want.

In conclusion

AppMySite is an premium mobile app builder that helps you create a mobile app for your WooCommerce store. Unlike most other app stores in the market, we enable users to make a native, responsive, in-sync and tested app for their online stores within minutes. Get started with a few simple clicks and build an app for your business.


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