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Ten powerful fitness app ideas that are trending

The reliance on technology for personal fitness goals as well as running fitness centres has increased tremendously over the years. Mobile apps have become the go to tool for fitness afficionados as they are taking fitness lessons, monitoring their progress, and powering their fitness communities digitally.

The mobile-based fitness industry is growing by the second and this is the best time to enter the realm and make a name for yourself. The advent of no-code fitness app builders has made it easier to build and launch feature-rich apps that attract users and help them attain their fitness targets.

If you are wondering where to start, then you have landed at the right place. We have compiled a list of trending fitness app ideas to give you some inspiration and help you get a head start. Our list includes various ideas that suit individual fitness trainers and enthusiasts as well as commercial training centres. So, stay tuned and get answers to all your queries.

In this blog

  1. Online fitness industry stats worth knowing
  2. 10 fitness-based app ideas for your startup
  1. Frequently asked questions

Online fitness industry stats worth knowing

Before we start exploring ideas, let us crunch some numbers and scale the length and breadth of the online fitness industry at large. Here are some interesting fitness industry facts and statistics that you must know:

  • Fitness apps were downloaded more than 400 million times in 2021.
  • Fitness app downloads recorded an increase of 84% between 2019 and 2020.
  • In January 2022, users downloaded around 17 million apps belonging to the fitness category.
  • Fitbit, a popular fitness app, reached 31 million active users across the globe in 2020.
  • In 2023, global revenue in the fitness app segment is projected to reach USD 19.33 billion.
  • Revenue through fitness apps is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 14.34% between 2023 – 2027 resulting in an estimated value of USD 33.04 billion by 2027.
  • User penetration is estimated to be 9.76% in 2023 and is expected to reach 12.21% by 2027. The ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) will amount to around USD 25.78.
  • Health and fitness apps record the highest retention rates across all categories. 96.0% users are loyal to the fitness app they use.

These are some of the most notable statistics related to the online fitness industry. Covid compelled people to look for digital health and fitness solutions and this led to a boom in fitness apps. The trend continues to grow and so does the popularity of fitness apps.

10 fitness-based app ideas for your startup

Whether you own a fitness centre and gym or you are just an expert on physical and mental well-being, there are ample ideas to explore when it comes to fitness app development. Here are some of the most trending ideas that you can work on:

Health & Fitness Blogging App

This is one of the simplest fitness-based start-up ideas. If you are a fitness expert and aspire to share the knowledge with your followers, you can create a health and fitness blogging app and build a business out of it.

Give your customers one touch access to unlimited content related to health, fitness, and workout. Offer them guidance and share your fitness stories. Implement in-app monetization, partner with affiliates, and earn revenue through apps.

Fitness Shopping App

From yoga mats to gym equipment, fitness eCommerce has emerged as an industry of its own. If you are looking for a start-up idea that centres around traditional eCommerce, then launch a fitness merchandize shopping app.

Sell fitness products and merchandize and make shopping easy for customers. Add product menus and categories, integrate payment gateways, enable in-app chat and monetization, and offer an end-to-end shopping experience to the buyers.

Workout & Training App

Not every fitness conscious person has the time and resources to go to fitness centres. There is an increase in demand for digital solutions post pandemic as more people want to follow a fitness regime without necessarily going to a gym or a fitness centre.

Bring your business to your clients’ pockets and give them one click access to workout lessons, video tutorials, one-on-one trainer-trainee sessions, training modules, and more. Launch an app for guidance on home-based workout and earn without investing in a fitness outlet.

Gym Membership & Management App

If you already own a fitness centre or a gym, launching an app for the same can help you take your business places. Create a gym membership or management app and let your clients access necessary resources and information anywhere and everywhere.

Enable users to subscribe to plans, manage memberships, view important announcements, access diet plans and guidance, get post-workout assistance, and more. Streamline your operations under one roof and mobilize your staff to serve your customers more efficiently.

Diet & Nutrition App

From intermittent fasting to vegan diet plans, fitness lovers seek all kinds of dietary and nutritional guidance. In fact, physical fitness is incomplete without a diet and nutrition planning app. While there is abundance of information, there is lack of proper coherent information.

If you are an expert on diet and nutrition, then launch an app of your own and help people plan their diet as per their physical attributes, body composition, fitness goals, dietary preferences, and more. Share fun and healthy recipes and make dieting fun for your app users.

Personal Trainer App

Are you a fitness enthusiast who loves to share their wisdom with others? Then go ahead and launch a personal trainer app that guides your users like an expert present in person. Manage all your clients under one roof and start a business without intensive efforts.

Upload video lessons, add diet plans, extend chat-based assistance, schedule push notifications for workout reminders, sell your personalized merchandize, create a fitness forum for discussion, organize fitness webinars, and more.

Activity & Fitness Tracking App

Not every fitness lover wants to get an expert guidance on workout and diet. Some just want to keep a tab on their regular activities, body vitals, and overall health and wellness. Leverage the growing market of fitness gadgets, wearables and apps and launch an activity tracking app.

Enable users to track their fitness activities, set and monitor daily steps and walking goals, track heart health and other body vitals, get personalized health guidance and alerts based on monitored data, and more. Launch a wholesome activity and fitness tracking app and grow your business.

Yoga & Meditation App

Any discussion on fitness and well being is incomplete without a yoga and meditation app. While yoga has become a popular medium for ensuring health and wellness, meditation and spiritual wellbeing is also being discussed and sought after more than ever.

Launch a personalized yoga and meditation app and build a loyal followership. Add yoga training lessons, meditation guidance, pdf of spiritual and yogic literature, lifestyle guides, and more. Stream webinars and sell yoga merchandize to offer a holistic experience to your subscribers.

Mental Fitness App

There has been a commendable increase in discussion concerning mental health and fitness. The pandemic has also contributed towards an increase in need for guidance and counselling as many lost their loved ones while the rest suffered other kinds of losses.

Moreover, people also want solutions to the problems they face on a day to day basis. This is where mental fitness apps can be a boon as it helps people get necessary guidance without exposing their vulnerabilities in person. Launch a mental health app and offer virtual assistance, support, and consultation to users.

Social Fitness App

Social fitness app is an interesting yet unique idea when it comes to launching an app for the fitness industry. Smartphone users are not just using social apps for sharing photos and meeting people virtually, but also to power their fitness goals.

Such apps let users share their fitness regimes and goals, compete with friends and family, invite friends to join challenges, and more. You can play along with the same ideas or give it your own creative twist and launch a social fitness app that engages and entertains users.


If these fitness app ideas have left you intrigued, you can go ahead and emulate them. Else, take some inspiration from the list above and give a spin to your own unique fitness app idea and develop an app that suits your goals.

You can refer to our detailed guide on ‘how to create an app without coding’ and build your own Android and iOS apps. Launch a training app, fitness eCommerce app, goal tracking app, or even a fitness blogging app and give your users one-click access to unlimited content.

If you have more fitness app ideas or statistics that you would like to share with us, then feel free to comment below. Go ahead and explore our other blogs and learn all about mobile app development, marketing, and trends of the mobile app industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

How big is the fitness app market?

The global fitness app industry is worth billions of dollars. Its market size was valued at USD 13.78 billion in 2020. Global revenue in this segment is projected to reach USD 19.33 billion in 2023 and will likely cross USD 120 billion by 2030.

Who are the key players in the gym and fitness app market?

There are several players in the fitness app industry. The market includes names like Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, Adidas, Strava, Peloton, FitOn, Sweat, BetterMe, and more. However, there is ample scope for innovative ideas and more businesses are joining the industry each day.

Are fitness and gym apps a profitable start-up idea?

The fitness industry is booming like never before. Wearables and smart devices are being developed centred around personal fitness. Fitness centres and gyms are going digital. Fitness experts are creating their own apps to reach their customers. Evidently, fitness apps have emerged as a popular start-up idea. The market is worth billions of dollars and several profit-making start-ups are flourishing in the industry. Anyone can start an app-based business in the fitness industry and scale it.

What are some fitness app ideas for beginners?

Fitness app development software have made it easier for beginners to enter the mobile app industry. Some fitness app ideas that are easy to scale are Health and Fitness Blogging App, Gym Membership App, Diet Tracking App, Nutrition App, and more. Those who want to think beyond physical fitness can also create apps for mental health and awareness.

How much does it cost to make a fitness app?

The cost of an app development project depends upon a range of factors. For instance, an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) will cost you less than a feature-rich and advanced app. Similarly, an app with complicated design and features will cost you more than the one with basic features. The total number of billable hours and other internal and external factors like the method of app development and technology stack can further increase the budget of the project. On an average, a feature-rich fitness app may cost you around USD 150,000. However, no-code app builders will cost you way less and make the experience more affordable and cost-effective.

How long does it take to create a fitness app?

The timeline of fitness app development depends on your choice of software or development method. No-code app builders expedite app development and fast track the journey from concept to app. For instance, AppMySite lets you create apps within minutes. Whereas custom app development takes several months. Changes and iterations can increase the time period and it may take longer to deliver and launch the apps.

How to create a fitness app without coding?

AppMySite is the best solution for building apps without coding. The no-code app builder enables you to manage everything from development to deployment on your own and create premium apps instantly without coding. Anyone can create feature-rich fitness apps for any kind of business or organization. Try AppMySite for free and upgrade to launch your own Android and iOS apps.


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