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Build an app for your LearnDash website and go mobile

The online education and learning industry has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. Especially in the times of COVID-19 pandemic when homebound online education became a compulsion, online education platforms and tools took huge strides.

More individuals, academies, institutions, organizations, and businesses are now understanding the importance of going online by creating websites and apps to stay aligned and trending in the age of the internet and smartphones.

This is being made possible by online tools and software that are now available in abundance. For instance, LearnDash is one of the go-to platforms for creating and selling online courses and is also going to be our topic of interest and discussion today.

It is a cloud-based WordPress plugin and learning management system (LMS) that offers tools for turning WordPress sites into learning management systems, creating custom courses, and selling them online. As per their own claim, LearnDash was the only WordPress LMS on Capterra’s top twenty training software list.

If you have a WordPress + LearnDash website, complementing it with an app has become extremely important in the age of smartphones. Today, we are here to help you with the same.

So, stay tuned with us and discover the easiest way to create an app for your LearnDash website. Make your end-to-end journey more informed and effortless with this step-wise guide and create an app for your educational platform.

Suggested Read: Know why creating apps is highly important for small scale businesses

In this blog

  1. How to turn your LearnDash site into Android & iOS mobile apps?
  1. What are the features that power the LearnDash app?
  2. How to create a mobile app for your online courses?
  3. Frequently asked questions

How to turn your LearnDash site into Android & iOS mobile apps?

Now let us cut to the chase and learn how we can create a WordPress website with LearnDash and complement it with an app. Also, we are going to focus on the app-building part as that is what we excel at!

Step 0: Set up an amazing LearnDash website

Start by creating a WordPress website, if you do not already have one. Purchase a web hosting service and reserve a domain name. You can install the WordPress software yourself or get a hosting service that includes this feature and offers a one-click WordPress installation.

Once everything is set up, go to your WordPress admin panel, and install the LearnDash Plugin. Next, install a theme that is compatible with LearnDash and configure it. Additionally, you can set the color scheme, typeface, etc., to manage the aesthetics of the website.

Next, proceed to create courses and get started with your WordPress + LearnDash website. Once your website is up and running, proceed to convert your WordPress site to an app (see the steps below for the easiest method) and offer a mobile-friendly experience to your users.

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Step 1: Sign up for AppMySite’s online app builder

Now let us get to the part that we are here for and dive into the process of creating an app for your website. We are sharing the easiest and the most user-friendly way of creating premium feature-rich apps without hefty investments.

Custom LearnDash app development may soon become obsolete. You can ditch these traditional methods of app development that require you to invest in developers and technicians, or hire agencies, and yet wait for ages to get your app developed. Instead, take the smarter road and build your app with AppMySite’s free online app maker.

Why not create your own app without writing a single line of code and shape it the way you want to? All you need to do is sign up for the app builder and get started on your app-building journey immediately.

Step 2: Start with customizing the appearance & layout

Now that we have told you how you can start creating your own app with AppMySite, let us continue with that as it is the most effortless and affordable way of creating apps.

As you create an account on AppMySite and log into it, you will be asked to enter a few details related to your website and business. Next, you will be greeted with a dashboard where you can view all the details related to the apps that you create.

Start building your app and giving shape to it under the ‘Design’ and ‘Appearance’ sections. Here, you can design your app’s icon, splash (launch) screen, login screen, and home screen.

Set the color theme of your app and ensure that it matches with your existing website theme and brand guidelines. Additionally, customize the look and feel of your bottom navigation bar and app menu.

AppMySite gives you the freedom to design all elements from scratch or upload your existing artwork. You can add images, format the text, and more. Play around with the advanced design tools and watch your app come to life.

The best thing about this app builder is that it lets you preview every change you make to the app, so that your journey is smooth, and the app turns out flawless.

Suggested Read: How does AppMySite simplify app design?

Step 3: Connect your LearnDash website with the app

Apps built on AppMySite can be directly powered by your website. This eliminates the need for manual app management and enables you to auto-populate most of your website data on the mobile app. This ensures more consistency between your website and app and less work.

Under the ‘Connectivity’ section, you need to start with installing the AppMySite plugin. Next, enter the API details to facilitate the easy transfer of data from the website to the app and establish a connection between the two.

In case you face some trouble with connectivity, which can happen for a variety of external factors, you can troubleshoot and find out the issues without leaving the site. All you have to do is run troubleshooting and work on areas that need attention.

Step 4: Point and add features & manage the settings

Now that your website and app are fully connected, define the features and fine-tune the settings of your mobile app. The ‘Settings’ section has multiple subsections that are well-defined categories of distinct kinds of settings one needs to manage a full-fledged app.Here you get the following sections:

  • General: This section requires you to enter the basic information related to your business that will get added to your app. Here, you can define your website’s category and also enable a share button within the app to enable users to share it in their circle.
  • Webview: In this section, you can manage the appearance of your in-app browser and choose to show or hide sections that appear in the webview interface.
  • Users: This section enables you to control how the end users interact with your app. Enable or disable user login, guest browsing, and other accessibility levels with toggle options.
  • Posts: In this section, you can manage the availability and appearance of posts in your app and enable a search icon for the same.
  • Pages: This is the section that lets you control the appearance of your website pages within your mobile app. For instance, this can be your ‘Home,’ ‘Contact,’ or ‘About’ page, or more.
  • Products: If you sell products on your app, you can manage all the related settings under this section. Add and customize the display of your commodities the way you want.
  • Checkout: As the name suggests, this section enables you to manage the checkout settings within the app. Use the assorted options to define the settings and make the most of them.
  • Social: In this section, you can integrate your social media handles in the app and show them to your users. Just add the URL of different social media pages and be ready to roll.

You can manage this thorough list of various kinds of settings, with a click of a few toggles only. This will give a final shape to your app and help you integrate features that matter to you. Once done, click on save and proceed to test the app.

Suggested Read: Some handy tips to design the best bottom navigation bar menu on AppMySite

Step 5: Test the app for aesthetics and performance

AppMySite’s dynamic preview and test feature is one of its highlights. Check how your app looks and performs in this section. The apps can be previewed on well-designed emulators that simulate Android and iOS device environments.

Here, choose the operating system and device type and start previewing the app effortlessly. Restart a preview at any time and take screenshots for desired screens. All the instructions appear clearly on your screen which makes your job even easier.

With AppMySite’s preview plan and advanced preview feature, you can build and evaluate your app for free and be sure about several aspects before you invest in it. In case you get stuck or need help with something, feel free to refer to the huge pool of help resources.

Step 6: Generate app builds & submit them to the app stores

Once you are all ready to go live, proceed to create the Android and iOS app builds. These builds are basically the AAB or APK (for Android) and IPA (for iOS) files of your mobile app.

Generate and download the app builds and proceed to submit them to the respective app stores. In this section, you can also view the version and build history of your apps and keep track of everything.

Make use of the ‘Publish’ feature on AppMySite and streamline the process of app submission to make it easier and hassle-free. AppMySite is one of the very few platforms to offer such intuitive and automated app deployment support for pushing updates and new versions of the app.

It makes the app builder an absolutely great option for those who are not very well versed with the nitty gritty rules, guidelines, and processes of app submission on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store and want to perfect it in one go.

Step 7: Make the most of the opportunities at your disposal

If you think that doing the basics is not enough and want more for your app, then you must tap into every possible opportunity for making the app more feature rich and promoting it to acquire leads.

Make use of the additional features of AppMySite and add more elements to your app. For instance, you can integrate ‘Notifications’, ‘Chat’, and ‘Monetization’ features in the app to send notifications to your app users, integrate chat software and communicate with your users, and display ads in the app, respectively.

Else, create an app for your WordPress Multisite network and merge multiple apps under one roof under the ‘Merge Apps’ section. Additionally, you can invite your colleagues and clients to work with you on the app projects under the ‘Team’ section.

Moreover, several options can be explored for enhancing the performance, security, and robustness of your app. In fact, there is much more to it that can only be understood once you sign up for the app builder and start using it.

Enrich your app with these features and have a robust launch on the app stores. Thereafter, promote your apps and inspire more app installs using various marketing and branding techniques. It can all start with creating an account on AppMySite.

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What are the features that power the LearnDash app?

The app you build on AppMySite for your LearnDash website is powered by a number of premium features. Some of them have been covered in the following points:

Student login and signup

AppMySite is integrated with the native ‘Users’ module within WordPress. This implies that any student who signs up on your website can log in with the same credentials on the app and vice versa. Extend multiple signup and login options to users and make onboarding easy.

Support for courses and lesson content

With support for custom post types and taxonomies, AppMySite will be able to support any content you create with the LearnDash plugin. Offer any type of course module to your users and reach a large audience base. Upload unlimited content and make learning super easy.

Automatic website-app sync

All your website’s content – posts, pages, courses, and more will be synchronized automatically to the app. Any change you make to the content will also be reflected instantly. Maintain consistency across multiple platforms and offer the same smooth experience to learners across channels.

Push notifications

AppMySite enables you to send push notifications to all your app users. Schedule, customize, and send as many notifications as you like. Also, segment recipients based on the operating system (Android and iOS) and draft your messages.

Multilingual app

Users on the app will be able to select a language of their choice. Choosing a different language will translate the native buttons and labels of the app. Your website’s content will be displayed in the same language that it appears on the website.

Smart menus and navigation

Create your side menu and bottom bar from scratch. With simple point-and-click options, build, and style your navigation menus effortlessly. Make navigation straightforward and allow users to explore the app and reach their goals without any friction.

In-app monetization

Monetization is one of the biggest challenges for education-based apps. AppMySite makes it easy as it enables you to show in-app ads from the best ad networks and earn revenue. Display ads in formats that suit your app’s real estate and place them in sections that are most favorable.

One-click chat support

Offer 24×7 support to your learners. Extend the one-click chat feature in the app and enable users to connect with your staff and support team without any effort. Integrate any chat software of your choice and earn your learner’s trust and loyalty.

How to create a mobile app for your online courses?

We have already gone through the process of creating an app for a LearnDash website. However, not every platform that offers courses will have a LearnDash site or a website built on WordPress for that matter.

AppMySite provides support for all CMS platforms and web technologies. Additionally, you can also create a standalone education app for your business. The following steps explain how the process of creating a mobile app for your online courses works:

Sign up for AppMySite and launch your account.

  • On the welcome (Create App) screen, enter a name for your app.
  • Next, select the type of app you aim to create. For instance, if you have a WordPress LearnDash website, you can turn it into a native WordPress app. For other web technologies, select “Website to App,” “Custom App,” and so on.
  • Enter your website URL, if any, and continue to click on ‘CREATE APP’ to launch your personalized dashboard.
  • The following steps will remain more or less similar to the ones discussed above. Just follow the intuitive app builder and design your app.
  • Preview and test your app on AppMySite’s live device emulators. If your website already has courses on it, you will be able to see them here.
  • Download your app from AppMySite and submit it to the app stores.

Voila! That was it. Follow the steps discussed above and you will be able to create any type of education and learning app.

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Wrapping up!

Now that you have the guide handy, go ahead and build your own app. Launch it on the app stores and promote it to get more installs and conversions. Do not forget to discover our other blogs and learn about a wide range of topics without much hassle.

We have articles on WordPress website and app designing, development, maintenance, publishing, security, marketing, and a lot more. Go through the blogs of your choice and dive deep to get all the information you require.

Do not forget to sign up for AppMySite and explore the app builder software if you wish to turn your WordPress website into an app. Build your own mobile app if you do not already have one, and app your way to success in no time. Get, set, and grow!

Frequently asked questions

Discover answers to some commonly asked questions about developing a mobile app for your LearnDash website.

Is WordPress mandatory for LearnDash?

Yes, LearnDash is a WordPress LMS plugin. Therefore, you will need to install WordPress in order to ensure the functioning of LearnDash. As WordPress is one of the most powerful and largest CMS (Content Management Systems), it is a great platform for creating your learning and education website.

Does LearnDash work on mobile?

If you convert your LearnDash website to app with AppMySite, you can publish it to the app stores and allow students and learners to easily access your courses. Moreover, if you have a LearnDash website and solely rely on your mobile site, you are missing out. Native apps can deliver a far superior user experience with powerful features and better loading times. Apps are also easily accessible at the touch of a button. Mobile websites, however, are only accessible via browsers. This makes them less accessible when compared to apps. So, launching an app will be the best way to go about it.

Does LearnDash require developer skills?

Not really. LearnDash is an easy-to-use plugin and should be effortless to work with. It comes with WordPress assurance which is one of the biggest CMS platforms. Similarly, AppMySite’s education app maker simplifies LearnDash app development and makes the process easier. Therefore, it should be easy for you to create your website and complement it with an equally powerful app.

Why Choose AppMySite for creating an app for LearnDash website?

AppMySite is a true no-code DIY app builder that offers deep integration with WordPress and WooCommerce. If you have a LearnDash website, creating an app for it will be a breeze with AppMySite. From customizing the design to adding premium features and automatically populating the content, the end-to-end development process is as easy as it gets. Moreover, AppMySite is affordable and ensures faster development.

Is a LearnDash website necessary for education app development?

Not with AppMySite. Here, you can create an education app from scratch or turn any type of education website into an app. All the data from your website can be imported to the app and you will be able to set up your learning app in no time. AppMySite’s intuitive education app builder guides you through the process and makes app development super easy.

If I update course content in WordPress, is it reflected in the app?

AppMySite constantly synchronizes your website and app. This means any change to the content of your website is synced to the app as well. This will make it easier for you to manage your app, as all the content changes can just be made to the website itself.

Can I use my custom theme in the app?

The apps you build on AppMySite have their own native design and interface. You can customize the app’s design and color theme with the features available. Also, enable webview in your app if desired. This will simply render your mobile site within the app. Doing this will show your website’s custom theme in the app. However, this will not affect the native screens.


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