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publish app

Your APK or Android App Bundle is using permissions that require a privacy policy

If you are seeing the following message after uploading your Android app build, it is because your app setup is incomplete within the Google...

How long before my app is visible in the Play Store?

Google Play takes upto 1 week to start showing your app in search results. If a week has already passed, we recommend reaching out...

Apple Team ID

The Team ID is important to download your iOS app build on AppMySite. Follow these steps to locate your Apple Team ID from your Apple...

Step 1: Prepare your Google developer account

This article will cover the steps to prepare your Google Play Store before submitting your app. Click here for a guide on creating a...

How many days will it take to publish my app?

Once an app is submitted to the relevant app store, it is subject to clearance from their end. Usually, Apple App Store takes 4-5...

Google Play Store guidelines to avoid rejection

Let us explore the guidelines to submit your app to the Play Store. Keyword Optimisation Ratio: While it’s important to use keywords to be more discoverable...

Is it necessary to publish my app to Google Play and Apple App Stores?

Once you finish building your app on AppMySite, you can proceed to submit your app to Google Play and App Store.  You can skip app...